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Do I matter?

User Profile: GreekCatPerson
GreekCatPerson April 17th

Do I matter, do I not?

I don't know, I have forgot.

Last time it was pain I got,

The empty hole I needed not.

Love they say is all you got,

Water it or it will surely rot,

And in the end if pain you got,

Then real love it surely was not.

So there I was I loved her lot,

But in the end it went to rot

And all I have is a pain pot

I don't know if I'm worth a lot.

So do I matter, or do I not?

My love for her is all I got,

But am I worth the pain I got,

If all I have is tears and rot.

User Profile: innateJoy9602
innateJoy9602 April 17th


How beautifully written. It's such a vulnerable poem and I appreciate you sharing with us. 

You absolutely matter my friend! 💜


1 reply
User Profile: GreekCatPerson
GreekCatPerson OP April 18th


Thank you Joy :) I appreciate the kind words.

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User Profile: delicateMonkey
delicateMonkey April 18th


I always love taking in art that people pour their emotions into <3 You did a great job

p.s. you do matter <3

User Profile: Helgafy
Helgafy May 17th

"I don't know if I'm worth a lot.

So do I matter, or do I not?"

Well - I'm the 3. person telling you that you matter. Of course you're worth a lot (as we all are) - Created in the image of God. 

User Profile: Helgafy
Helgafy May 17th

So see what is written - we are crowned with glory and honor!

Here is also what the Bible tells about human beings: Psalm 8:3-9 When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor. You made them rulers over the works of your hands; you put everything under their feet: all flocks and herds, and the animals of the wild, the birds in the sky,and the fish in the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas.Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!

User Profile: Helgafy
Helgafy May 20th

Hi Greek.

I just wanted to say; yesterday at one of the groups you told I should se a movie - something with "Star..." - I was a bit high in spirit so I wrote back, LOL. I don't hope that offended you. I didn't mean to.
From Helga.

User Profile: David57
David57 May 20th


Wow, great use of words. You convey your pain.

User Profile: LittleEggHarbor
LittleEggHarbor June 29th


You are a unique individual with inherent value and potential, regardless of what anyone else may say. The pain you’re feeling is real, and it’s okay to acknowledge that hurt. 

Try to focus on the things that bring you joy and peace, no matter how small they may seem. Whether it’s a hobby, a walk in nature, or a kind word from a friend, these moments can provide glimpses of hope and strength.

Your existence has a purpose, even if it’s not immediately clear. Sometimes, it’s through our most difficult experiences that we find our deepest strengths and most profound insights. Your journey is your own, and you have the power to shape it, to seek out new paths and connections that affirm your value.

Hold on to hope, even in the darkest times. Remember, you deserve to be treated with kindness and respect, and there are people out there who will appreciate you for who you truly are.

You are stronger than you realize, and your presence in this world matters.

User Profile: navyTalker73
navyTalker73 July 1st

Yes you matter, kind soul like you will always matter :)