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Red tears dripping on a white rose trigger warning

User Profile: stormieandpaws
stormieandpaws January 27th

Red tears dripping on a white rose

one drop two drops three drops

as the red tears not from the eyes

fall fall on the white rose

they drip down into the white roses pedals

they stain the white roses a red tint

some only see the blood as it drips down

but to us it the way we cry

tears from the eyes were not allowed

they called us baby and beat us too

so one drop two drops three drops

fall onto the white rose

but as they drip from the wound

someone step into our life

they see the red tears

they hear us crying not from the eyes

the white rose that blood stained

they see the pain behind the red tears

they see and hear us

without harsh words

without judgment of us

this new for us

feel odd to be seen to be heard

they say it ok just take baby steps

I not going to hurt you they say

I walk beside you support you

so a new path is becoming a new way

the tears of red no longer drip of the white rose

the tears are within the eyes

they slowly drip down onto the white rose

they make the red tears that no longer come

turn to pink as the tears from the eyes flow down onto the white rose

this is not an ending of the pain within

it a new way of crying to us

we hold onto the hands around us

we see there willing to walk with us

they want to support us

they want to help us not cry tears of red

so we begin a new chapter in our healing journey

we trade the tears of red for tears from the eyes

the blood from the wounds do not flow red anymore

the white rose that blood stained

it taken and throw away

for a new white rose

that is only wetting by the tears from the eyes

we seen and heard

no longer have to punish self

no longer have to go by the abusers programming

fresh white rose of hope we hold now