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My Poetry Space

User Profile: SweetBeeHoney
SweetBeeHoney November 6th, 2024

Hoping this is allowed rather than creating new posts each time. 

The last time I posted a poem @Tinywhisper11 (hope you don’t mind the tag) encouraged me to share more of my poems. 

So, this is going to be a little place for me to put my poetry as and when I decide to share it (possibly not that often, not sure yet). All will have TWs above them for each poem I write if applicable. 

Anyone is free to read, however please only reply if you have kind words to say. 

I haven’t had much luck with listeners lately so I guess I’ll try the forums with poetry instead. 

User Profile: SweetBeeHoney
SweetBeeHoney OP November 6th, 2024

I guess I’ll start with a bit of my story. It’s a poem I wrote a while ago but definitely still true.

TWs: Abuse (child, physical and emotional), SH, EDs, Sui

 Let’s start from the beginning

The very beginning at that

The first few years were normal

Or so they thought that

Not knowing what truly happened

Behind the closed doors

Assuming it was all fine though

As never was it mentioned to them

The day came

For their step sister to leave

Hearing that they’re sorry 

Not really understanding why

Questions followed

But no answers came

Things were fine for a while 

But one day that changed 

Noticing the dog crate open 

The first sign of what was to come 

It’s never open or so they thought

Only time would correct them on that

Being shoved in

Being shouted at

Hoping for it all to stop

That was nothing though 

That was the easiest, nicest time

Learning as time progressed

They would never leave the cage the same again

Always having bruises or scrapes

Thinking this was just normal

Led to believe that it was all their fault

But knowing now it wasn’t 

And still isn’t their fault 

But that isn’t what their head wants to believe

It’s their fault for not lining things up

It’s their fault something happened

It’s their fault they are ill

It’s their fault for everything

People say it’s not true

Yet their head believes otherwise

Who do they believe 

Their own mind

Or others who they don’t trust much anymore

Not knowing which one to believe more

That was all one side of things

Some might say the worst side

Others might say the better side

They aren’t sure themselves though

Deciding to stupidly open up

Opening yet another way in to then

Shoved into the car

Head going a million miles a minute

Running through all the options they have to escape

Escape from what came next

One of two things came next

Driven to the mental health hospital

Threatened to be sent there

Sometimes getting to the door

Not knowing at the time

That this place would become a second home to them

Or they would drive for a bit

Get back home only to be locked in the crate again

“It’s for your own good”

That’s what they used to say

Was it really for their own good though?

That was all at home

So things must be different when away

How much further could that be from the truth

If only things were that simple

Many triggering places exist now


Thought to be a happy place 

A place of laughter, enjoyment and excitement

Well that was the case

Once upon a time anyway 

Things never were the same again

Doing something that was “their fault”

Couldn’t be shut in a cage

Or beaten in the open

In front of others

That just couldn’t happen

So improvisation was needed

The sea

The perfect thing

People go swimming

Waves come in

Maybe you “happen” to go under with the wave

Over and over again

Left terrified of the water

The sea, the beach

Anything to do with it

This all happened since they were 7 

When police and social services got involved

It all magically stopped at 15 

Hoping that was all

Not knowing it would start again when they were 18

They couldn’t believe it

“There isn’t much we can do”, “no evidence found”

Their heart sinking at that conclusion

Hating their parents for everything

Stuck, stuck in that place 

Unable to change anything

Nothing worth fighting for

Giving up for the first time

Not telling anyone

But yet they are still here to write this

A member of the public found them 

Woke them up, and got them home

Not knowing what had happened

This repeated itself so many times since

Some ended up in hospital

Others didn’t

Gathering a lot of time spent in psych wards

Nearly 10 months actually to be more precise

But yet things are no different

They are still stuck in the same place

That’s all physical things

Being stuck doesn’t end there

Feeling stuck in place 

Even though technically they could leave

Not wanting to do the exact same thing 

The same thing their step sister did to them

But to their brother instead 

They can’t do that to him

So yet again they are stuck in the same place 

They keep being dumb and stupid

Falling back to their old ways of coping

Whether that be eating disorder related behaviours

Not eating, throwing up, monitoring excessively what they eat

Or self harm

Relapsing and falling backwards again there

In a cycle that they can’t seem to break out of

Oh look, they are stuck in the cycle as well

Now they write this poem

In the hope to see things more clearly

Not wanting to make this poem too long

So they won’t include their whole life story

Maybe that’s for another day

Another day when they feel a little less stuck 

Hopefully when more words form 

As no more words can form for now

4 replies
User Profile: Tinywhisper11
Tinywhisper11 November 6th, 2024

@SweetBeeHoney damn! That was hard to read 😥 I'm glad you made a space to share your poems, they are really well written.❤ And a great way to get all your thoughts out ❤

Trigger warning, abuse

Honey I was born into a cult, kept as a slave. Also kept in a cage🙁 so I understand a bit of what your going through, I'm here for you, if you ever need me ❤ gives you a giant tiny hug ❤

2 replies
User Profile: SweetBeeHoney
SweetBeeHoney OP November 7th, 2024

@Tinywhisper11 Awe, sorry it was hard to read. That’s exactly why I include trigger warnings before them. But thank you, you made me realise last time that it is okay to share my poems from time to time. And your comments about them mean so much to me.

I’m not sure if that is all in the past or still happening, but either way the same goes for you - I’m here for you too, if you ever need me. 

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User Profile: Tinywhisper11
Tinywhisper11 November 7th, 2024

@SweetBeeHoney ❤❤❤

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User Profile: BastionKnight
BastionKnight November 7th, 2024


As @Tinywhisper11 so eloquently put, that was very hard to read and very moving. The jarring style certainly added to the impact. Your unfiltered and undisguised honesty is as impressive as it is upsetting. And that certainly adds power to the narrative of the poem; one cannot help but sympathise and be saddened on reading it.

I hope you do put up more of your pieces going forward.

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User Profile: SweetBeeHoney
SweetBeeHoney OP November 8th, 2024

I don’t think this one requires any TWs. But here’s one I wrote earlier today. I was bored and had these questions among others similar going round my head so why not write about them. Not my best one but thought I would still share it. 

Why is such a simple question
But lately that hasn’t been the case
They are asking why for impossible questions
Why, why, why?

People haven’t been kind
People have been quiet
People have been leaving
Why is this the case?

Accidents happen
Flare up come up too
Illnesses can develop
But, why do they have to happen?

Parents are kind
Parents are a form of safety
Parents are caring
So, why is this not the case for them?

7Cups has listeners
Listeners are meant to listen
Listeners are not meant to judge
Ultimately, why does the opposite occur?

Why this, why that
Why, over and over again
Analyzing everything going on
Exhausting themselves 

But in the end still asking those questions
Why, why, why?
1 reply
User Profile: Tinywhisper11
Tinywhisper11 November 9th, 2024

@SweetBeeHoney I thought it was well wrote, don't underestimate your talent for expression through words ❤

Why? Is the only question that will never get answered till we meet the big guy in the sky ❤ listeners weren't kind to me either, that's why I use the forums and group chats now. I'm glad your here using the forums to, it's always nice to make new friends here ❤🙂 gives you a giant tiny hug ❤

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