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Rareshadow666 January 22nd

I rose from the dead

With my arms crossed over my chest

Awakened from my depressive state

My depression has become too much lately

It’s weighing me down like lead

Thinking sometimes that I’m better off dead

Thinking of all the problems that I cause

How everyone seems to hate me

Yet I’m not sure why

Where is the problem

Why can’t I see it

Why am I blind

Where is my faith

Where is my mind

I lost it long ago

When the voices started

When my father died

I lost myself and I’m not sure who I am anymore

ComradeRuhi January 24th


Thank you for sharing your poem with us. It's so deeply emotional and I really take so much pride in writers like you that express some of the most vulnerable parts to their identity. It takes a lot to put such emotions on to paper. It really captures the feelings one goes through in a depressive state of mind. 

There is always light ahead. The sun always rises again and in the same way, good things will surely come to you in all different shapes and sizes. 

Keep writing! I hope to see more from you.

Your Comrade,


Rareshadow666 OP January 25th


Thank you for being supportive