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Hey, how's it going. There's times I realize how disappointing the  world is even though I try to be positive and optimistic and at times see so much beauty and am so grateful to be alive.

It's rough that everyone has an opinion and some are doing so much better than others out of unfair advantage and life forces me to negotiate my needs instead of meeting them.

Being a septuple minority is hard enough without having to always be worrying or thinking about whether or not I'll be attacked or assaulted just for wanting shelter or food.

So often I don't want to continue even though I've worked hard and accomplished a lot in my life. It hasn't paid off and is a struggle just to belong on a most minute level.

I'm tired of being told I'm strong or courageous or wise because I don't want that burden. I want what I can't explain, good luck and access to opportunities I'll probably never get.

Trying to see things from the perspective of people who are much more well off then me is a challenging task. I work at that daily and at many other things. It's exhausting. 

It's hard to balance everything in my life when there's so much that needs to be improved in the world and so much ignorance. I can't even keep up with chores. Life is terrible and great.

BelovedMe April 5th


It sounds like you're going through a really tough time, and it's completely understandable to feel overwhelmed by the challenges you're facing. Sometimes, finding humor in the darkness can be a way to cope, so let's give it a shot! 🌑 Life may feel like a rollercoaster of disappointment and struggle, but hey, at least we're all riding it together, right? 🎢 And if life gives you lemons, well, you might as well throw them back because who needs sour citrus when you're already dealing with a bunch of other nonsense? 🍋 Keep hanging in there, and remember, even in the darkest of nights, there are stars shining somewhere. ✨

communicativePond1728 OP April 5th

@BelovedMe no, I don't want to be 'finding humour in the darkness' right now. I more want someone else to do my dishes for *** once and to be able to drink coffee without immediately needing to *** my pants and to live on a different planet in a different dimension where I didn't have to born only to ruin my life if even for a minute or two. Hearing corny, gaslighting epithets are not for me. Maybe someone else. I want different things.

BelovedMe April 5th


I hear you. It sounds like you're feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. Sometimes, life throws us curveballs that feel impossible to handle. It's okay to want a break, to long for things to be easier, and to yearn for a reality where burdens feel lighter. You're not alone in feeling this way. Sending you lots of , support, . Remember, it's okay to ask for help and take small steps towards making things better. Have a vacation  ...a break ...🌟🤗

Tinywhisper11 April 5th

@communicativePond1728 yeah I get that. It's not always easy to stay positive and optimistic about the world, when we have to struggle through. I'm sorry your struggling😟 gives you a giant tiny hug ❤❤ squeezes you tightly ❤ I hope good fortune comes your way very soon. Just never give up ❤❤

Sompo2402 April 22nd


It sounds like you're going through a lot right now, and it's completely understandable to feel overwhelmed by the challenges you're facing. It's okay to have moments of frustration and to feel disappointed by the world around you.It's also important to acknowledge your resilience and strength in navigating these difficult circumstances, even though it can feel like a heavy burden at times. You are not alone in feeling this way, and it's okay to seek support and take breaks when you need to.Remember that your feelings are valid, and it's okay to prioritize your well-being. If you ever need someone to talk to or support, 7 Cups is here for you