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My Struggles as a mixed race teen

humorousHickory8228 June 17th, 2022

I feel out of place all the time. I live in the UK, I go to a medium sized school. There are around 5 other kids of colour at my school.

Racism really seems to be an issue, especially the n word being used towards me. I have reported it once, to the head of my year, she dealt with it brilliantly. although the second time it was a different year head, they asked me some questions and then it fell by the wayside. No one seems to notice how damaging it is when people say stuff like that. It may seem simple and harmful but having someone say “why is there a n***** in the corridor “ when you’re just walking and minding your own business really affects my anxiety. I don’t know what to do anymore. I guess I just want to know that someone understands.

FrenchMarbles June 20th, 2022

Hey @humorousHickory8228

My name is FrenchMarbles, I’m one of the listeners here at 7Cups and it’s really good to meet you today.

I’m sorry to hear that you’re going through a really tough time at school with regards to racism. The UK can be very unkind to those who don’t fit with what their ‘ideals’ are, and I can only apologise. I’m disabled and I do go through unkind words from people.

Is there a teacher of colour you can discuss your concerns with, s/he might be able to point you to the right direction but I am really sorry to hear that this is still ongoing for you. Keep your chin up!

Best wishes

F r e n c h M a r b l e s

Quality Mentor Listener Coach Forum Supporter Project Agent

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humorousHickory8228 OP June 20th, 2022

you are so kind!! thank you so much! there are unfortunately no teachers of colour at my school that i could talk to :( but i’m just trying to keep my head up!

KidnappedByAxolotls June 20th, 2022


You know, what he did was so foolish, that if he only knew how foolish it was what he did, he wouldn't have done it. (skin color is just a mere genetic difference!)

You should feel sorry for that person for being such a fool. But if you feel sorry for a person, then how can you feel angry/hurt because of him? All he deserves is pity, but then pity and anger/hurt don't go together.

While it's hard to control how you feel when provoked, you certainly can control what your reaction is going to be.

humorousHickory8228 OP June 20th, 2022

Thank you so much, i’m learning not to hang onto other peoples words and instead forgive them and hope they will have the opportunity to get educated or change. I really appreciate your support! Thank you for understanding as well :)

KidnappedByAxolotls June 20th, 2022


That's perfect!

I know it won't be easy, but you will become such a strong and wise person. You will accomplish anything in life. 👌

I am proud of you!

daisyLazy4544 June 20th, 2022


Im so sorry you have to experience this and nothing is being done. They sound ignorant. I know this is harder said than done, but whenever you hear someone say something like that, imagine all of us in this community standing behind you and supporting you and hold your head high. We all might be very far away but we’re also all with you.

I don’t know exactly what you’re going through, but I’m a mixed POC also. In my family I’m called “half-breed” and they would be disappointed that my skin was dark and not as light as my brothers. They would pick at some features, telling me what parts of what piece could’ve been better and what was a waste. It felt like I didn’t belong to either side because neither side saw me as a whole person. While I still have difficulties with it, it helps to remember that the people I CHOOSE to be in my circle, would support me regardless. And that has made things a little easier.

Hope this has helped!

humorousHickory8228 OP June 20th, 2022

thank you so much!! you are all so kind and supportive sharing this on here has been so helpful. ily. :)