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Module 3. Emotion Regulation: (Discussion #4) ABC PLEASE - Build Mastery ("B")

QuietMagic March 1st, 2022

DBTuesday is a series of posts where we explore skills and concepts from dialectical behavior therapy (DBT).

This is one of several posts focusing on emotion regulation, which is the third module of DBT skills training. See this post for general info about DBT and this post for more info about emotion regulation.

What is building mastery

The second emotion regulation skill in ABC PLEASE for reducing vulnerability to negative emotions is building mastery.

This means doing things you enjoy that give you a feeling of competence.

Benefits of building mastery

Improved self-esteem

Building mastery allows you to have some accomplishments that you can feel proud of. If you’re doing things that allow you to feel capable, it can counter thoughts that might say “I’m bad at everything” or “I’m worthless”.

Increased resilience

If you do happen to make a mistake or have an experience that causes you to feel unhappy with yourself, building mastery can buffer or protect you from the effects of that. You’ll have some positive things you can point to and remind yourself of.

Increased confidence

The more often you’re able to pursue and succeed at goals, the more likely you are to have confidence in succeeding at other future goals.

More likely to pursue opportunities

The more confidence you have and the more capable you believe you are, the more likely you are to pursue valuable opportunities when they are available.

Can use as a coping activity

If you’re feeling depressed, anxious, or just bored, building mastery represents an activity that you can channel your energy into and fall back on as a distraction.

Tips for building mastery

Tap into existing hobbies

If there are things you are already talented at and interested in, those might be good options for building mastery.

Try something new

On the other hand, you could also try something completely new. 😊

Do it regularly

Similar to accumulating positive experiences, the more often you do it the more of an effect it will have. One possible suggestion might be 10 minutes daily.

Do things that are challenging

If you are doing something that is really easy or effortless, then succeeding at it won’t give you much of a boost in your sense of confidence, competence, or accomplishment.

Do things that aren’t impossible

Try to set reasonable goals and gradually increase them over time. If you have a big long-term goal, split it into smaller short-term goals.

If you’re feeling depressed, maybe just getting out of bed is a small but challenging goal that could be considered an accomplishment.

Give yourself credit

If you are accomplishing things, notice it and acknowledge it!


What is a regular activity that can give you a sense of mastery?


@Adeline12345 @ahhhhelpimalive @AlfAndthemachine @alleywood13 @Alwaysinpyjamas @ambitiousVase1322 @amicableDime9946 @AndreaDawn @arbanon @ARC80 @AutumnLauren6 @autumnthemoth @Avocado22 @azuladragon34 @b4Damion @berrymimi @bestcase @caringPerspective41 @CheerySandi @ChristmasGift @crang17 @cyanPlatypus6370 @dagaz13th @DamagedOne13 @dberryy @diamondintheROUGH2022 @DoggoMom @ebonyyyblondie89 @EddaLayla @emerijourney @EmotionalNerd @Everythingisbetterinyourpyjamas @fireyseastar97 @FloweringBunny @forcefulFriend4768 @Goldcherry2113 @GrahZeymahzin @GRAPSPRO2033 @GreenScarab @Hadeel96 @HashiramaNinja @healingHeart1111 @heartycitrus @HopeandFaith @Hyacinth22 @ImaginativePenny152 @imclover @indigoCup1959 @intelligentWheel627 @Irishrose78 @itsmeow @Jasminerice @Jish07541 @JoniGirl @K87 @kindTurtle3738 @LadyNikita @LavenderFlower @Lemino @LightsFromDark @LiliTwolsky @limeRaspberries2286 @lovelyWords13 @LoveTracker @maple23 @MeeshyRB @MelG919 @missg @Mkmultra @munchiegoosie @nervoussmiles @Nubia87 @OneErased @optimisticMagic0014 @OrangePeel24 @Oxymoron6demon @passionateJackfruit5095 @Piggy @placidShade4261 @Pointlesswords @QueenBee03 @QuietMagic @racqueldawn @raininglillies13 @Red789 @RelaxedPanda @RemorseCode2 @Rex0911 @selfdisciplinedBunny232 @ShyCat1678201 @spectacularCandy9984 @Stardew3 @Starilus @StrangeKat @sunflower2480 @Tamy4210 @Tatianaalize @toucans @Triscups @uniqueRose1689 @versatilePomegranate60 @WalkingCrow @Xe @YourCaringConfidant
emotionalTalker2260 March 2nd, 2022


What is a regular activity that can give you a sense of mastery?

I guess trying to do a colouring in for hours straight 😀 (i used to do colouring ins for 5 hours straight). Or maybe I could use my TV more often and use my Nintendo switch and play just dance and try to get a really high score.

QuietMagic OP March 3rd, 2022


Coloring and Just Dance both sound like fun! And I could see how there's a sense of accomplishment associated with both (i.e. completed drawings, high scores).