I already posted this here but I cant find that post so Im just going to make a new one.. sorry about that... I mean why there is no group chat for bpd and other personality disorders... Like theres the Depression suport group and so on... But it would be nice to be able to talk to people about things... not just 1-1... but like in a group
Hi @EmmaSwan18 I answered to your earlier post, it's here: https://www.7cups.com/forum/personalitydisorders/BorderlinePersonalityDisorder_326/WHYDONTWEHAVEACHATFORBPD_308087/
Now to answer your current question here, There's a chatroom for bipolar support, but I haven't seen it open in a while, as it's maybe only open during discussions.
Perhaps you can request the com mod on shift, to open the room for you, if you'd like to chat in the room!
Maybe in future @ASilentObserver can oversee for more sessions in the room and getting the room open often for everyone! 😊
You can find all the threads you've created, when you check mark "my threads" in the forum search option, here: https://www.7cups.com/forum/search/?query=
Ok thank you for responding... Didnt mean to soud rude or anything like that. I was just having a bit of a crises... wich I know is no excuse for bad benhaviour. Anyway.. Thank you
Aw no worries at all. <3 I hope you're in a better headspace at the time. Sending love your way.
Also, hope this helps for now, please do feel free to ask here if you have more questions anytime! We are here for you! <3
@EmmaSwan18 Hi Emma, thank you for bringing this up. We do have a Personality Disorder Support room and it is opens during guided discussions only at the moment. But also, for a few weeks, the sessions are not happening as the leaders are on a self-care break. But I am determined to get it more active to scale up support on this front too. I will reach out to you 1-1 to discuss more on it. I appreciate your patience and presence in the community. Thank you for being with us here. Please know you are not alone in this. We are all here with you to listen to and support you.
Thank you, Sunnie for the tag <3 Appreciate the help.