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route to diagnosis

User Profile: helpfulPond3973
helpfulPond3973 July 15th, 2020

I haven't been officially diagnosed with any disorder because I haven't found a good enough therepist to stick to for more than 5 weeks. I've always felt different since I was a little girl, I've never been able to connect and bond with people or firends like everyone else. I never understood it, it still baffles me after 27 years of living, especially as a female where you see really tight groups of friends. Don't get me wrong, I can be social and nice and people like me, but I purposely keep everything very surface level. I remember experiencing rejection as a child and in middle school, because obviously girls can be mean and after that I just told myself it wasnt important to me. It's still not important to me, and I've always been extrememly quick to ditch people for minor slights or just because I wasn't in a state to want to engage in conversation.

Anyway, I never really looked into BDP until recently and I feel like I check off a lot of boxes, I've been quick to anger and react emotionally to things since I was a little girl. I cry for the most ridiculous reasons sometimes and have since I was little, I remember my mom telling me "stop being that way" or "there's no need to cry."

as far as impulsuvity, well my credit card is pretty scary and i have a tendency to self medicate with drugs and alchohol

I've never threatened to harm myself, or wanted to, more like I just with sometimes I could keep sleeping or keep dreaming. I also have never had any long term goals or imagined a future for myself.

I dont want to ramble on, so I guess, what I want to know is, whats the best way to explore possibly being BPD and what kind of health professional is best suited to help me find my way.

July 17th, 2020

Hi there @helpfulPond3973,

Personally, I was diagnosed with BPD by a psychiatrist. Therapists and psychologists can also offer a diagnosis, however some of them prefer not to use 'labels'. Your GP may also be able to offer you some guidance!

An AMA (ask me anything) with a therapist on the topic of BPD will be organised soon! That may be the perfect occasion for you to ask this question and get some professional advise. I hope this helps in the meanwhile.

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User Profile: helpfulPond3973
helpfulPond3973 OP July 18th, 2020


thank you so much!! I can't wait for the AMA!!!

1 reply
July 18th, 2020


It will be announced shortly, it's only a couple of days away - big spoiler smiley

July 20th, 2020
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User Profile: willingShip5937
willingShip5937 July 17th, 2020

I too have felt just like you.. I ran from life problems and felt capable but scared to engage with others on a comfortable level.. I learned to be hyper and entertaining to battle the demons below the surface. I now realize that fear of pretty much anything overwhelmed me and that fear relied on pot to ease the moment.. Obviously its doomed to fail... bpd idk ..