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When is it Okay to Say You're Not Okay?

RavenousSoul August 13th, 2015

***Word of warning: may trigger***

I'm living on a borderline, between life and death it seems, with borderline personality disorder and depression. My emotions are all over the place. It's been difficult to get out ofe bed, or to do anything really. I've been engaging in self-injurious behaviour on a regular basis. I've abused my antidepressants to the point of serotonin toxicity. My thoughts lately have been... irrational and dangerous.

Needless to say, I'm not okay.

But is it okay to admit that I'm not okay? How can I tell someone, without scaring them off? I have such a need to tell someone, to really talk about this... but I can't. It's like my mouth is sewed shut with barbed wire. So I continue this slow but steady descent into darker waters. I feel like I'm drowning.

Is it okay to tell someone I'm not okay? That I'm struggling so severely? That I'm afraid of my own mind? I walk a thin line at the moment. And I want to speak up. But I lost my voice.

abwhale3 August 13th, 2015

I get how you feel. I understand that you want to get your feelings out and to have someone just listen to you. I personally wouldn't tell someone you just met or someone who is your friend, but aren't good friends with. I would tell a best friend or someone you really trust because they will stick by you no matter what. If you don't have anyone like that, you could always talk to me. If you just want to vent, that's cool. If you want help or advice, that's cool too.

ArielleirA August 13th, 2015

Thoughts turn to actions, actions to habits, habits to character, character to livelihood...

Try changing your thoughts to more positive, pleasant thoughts. Like anything small that makes you happy/joyful.

It will be hard but keep fighting and keep trying. Take one day at a time. Don't stress, don't feel regret, don't doubt yourself, don't down yourself. You can get thorough this, just take it one day at a time. Do one positive or joyful or uplifting thing each day. If you miss a day or make a mistake, that's okay, because there's always tomorrow.

Three years ago I was in your shoes, but I persevered. Some days it became hard to breath, it felt like I was dead but my body kept taking a step forward. I believe you can get through this.

Also, the more you open up and talk to people that care the better you will feel because you won't feel alone.

Truthfully,your not alone there are many people that struggle with this same problem, but they say nothing.

estrella10 August 13th, 2015

Hi everyone,

I just need someone to talk privetly here and thank you.

ArielleirA August 13th, 2015

Hi estrella

MidniteAngel August 14th, 2015


It's not really about when you tell someone but who you tell. Because if you tell the right person, there will never be a wrong time to seek help. Always put yourself first, it's not selfish, it's necessary. Be sure to talk to someone who is experienced and understands how to act professionally and practically. You need to tell someone, even the slightest problem should be acknowledged, or the risk of a problem should be identified. It is detrimental to your health. Never ever hesitate to send a message to our fellow listeners. If you ever need to talk to someone feel free to send me a message.