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Ups. downs. Relapse. Neverending

Poetrylover14 March 2nd, 2015

It seems that my problems are a never ending cycle. I think I'm doing well one minute and crash the next... Literally. My constant problems right now is wanting to go back to my ex but knowing I can't so then I want to find a random guy to be with for the night.. I want to drink a lot of the time. Want to selfharm to not drink. And now I just don't want to be here. I don't want to go through all this again it seems pointless and is incredibly painful. This specific cycle has been going on for like a year and a half and I want it to be over. Maybe someone has input or can relate

Irishfaerie74 March 2nd, 2015

Slightly different cycle, but I can relate. I assume drinking is a big issue for you (?), as you mentioned resorting to self-harm to cope. They are equally addictive & damaging to your body & mental state. I have experience with both. I'm in a cycle myself right now I can't seem to break out of & I really get the struggle of being able to identify it but feel completely out of control of it. Hope this helps even a little! Love yourself, please don't harm yourself. You're worth it & the only you you've got. Try to do ONE thing for yourself (healing thing) to show you're unconscious mind that YOU ARE PRECIOUS!