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leiselerin January 30th, 2017

Just diagnosed BPD last fall. Kind of like, forgot about it... I mean I was in a group doing DBT for a while, but I don't feel like I have a good handle on it. As in, when I'm hating on a person or blocking a friend's number because she's taking too long to respond... I'm not thinking " oh that's BPD thinking/ talking" is anyone else able to do this? Do you find it helpful? My therapist says I " fire" people. And I do, actually. So. Idk. Seems like people just seem to leave anyway, so maybe I'm beating them to the punch? Idk. I'm really struggling right now. Depression, self harm, suicidal thoughts at times ( not now). Anyway...

RayneStorm February 2nd, 2017

@leiselerin Hi. :) Thanks for sharing this. It's strange isn't it? How we're so afraid of getting hurt and having people leave us, that we leave first or push them away. It's a self fulfilling prophecy then... That everyone will leave us, and they do, but most of the time it's because of our actions. It can be managed though, and I've found DBT to be quite useful.

InvaderStitch February 9th, 2017


Hey there!

It definitely can be hard, especially at first to distinguish when you're doing something "borderline". It took me a long time to get to the point of knowing when I was acting certain ways because of the disorder. I've been in DBT for 4 years and have finally reached a point that I can identify if what I'm doing is "healthy" or part of the "borderline" it definitely takes a lot of work and a lot of therapy to get to that point. Don't beat yourself up too much if you're not there yet, it sounds like you're at least inquiring about your actions which is a step in the direction of being able to recognize them.