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For anyone who needs to hear it.

CatDude March 20th, 2023

How you feel is valid.

Your pain is real.

Good people can do bad things

You are not a "monster"

(Had a terrible week here.... When things go wrong and your in crisis, you find out who really cares about you... No one.... Sorry to dampen the mood but trying to think what my therapist might possibly say to be encouraging in such circumstances)

Sleepwalkermw March 20th, 2023


I am sorry to hear you had a rough week Cat :( I can comprehend why you would think that nobody cares... although I truly believe that there are people who actually care. In some times of our lives, even the ones who care about us might not be available, or might even struggle with their own issues and therefore not give us the empathy we need.

And you said well here, my friend. Your pain is real. Your feelings matter. You are important. You are certainly not alone and I encourage you to share your story and let everything out of your system...

Sending you lots of support ❤️

selfconfidentNectarine8016 March 21st, 2023

You are Loved, sometimes people make mistakes and cannot help with certain issues.

Try, when life seems to be shifting to concentrate on your breathing. A deep breath in, hold and slowly let out. Nothing else in your head but your breath. It will help.