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Emotional dysregulation

User Profile: funnyStrawberries5996
funnyStrawberries5996 April 12th, 2015

I was told I was too sensitive ( chemically unbalanced) to take meds .. But this emotional roller coaster drives me nuts ... I find it really strange how I can be peaceful yet anxious and tired all at the same time .. I can't focus and yet I can which is weird I wish I knew why my brain did that... I have had a few brain scans and doc says I'm normal .. Hmmm

User Profile: IronicSarcasm
IronicSarcasm June 23rd, 2016


Hi, it's good to know I'm not alone with this alien term that until recently I hadn't learned much about.

A few months ago, I was told I had emotional dysregulation also and I immediately took offense, I at the time believed that my doctor was devaluing me and how much depression affects me, blaming it on my sensitivity but I have now learned that this is not the case.

It is infact in close correlation if not another term for BPD (Borderline personality disorder).

I found this really interesting and wondered if you felt this when you were told?

I hope everything is cleared up now and you are doing well (I acknowledge this was posted over a year ago) :) x