Dealing with attachments and homesickness?
Hello all.
i am currently dealing with strong emotions related to leaving home and the homesickness and anxiety that comes along with that. I am having crying and panic attacks on a train right now.
I am going back to college for the rest of the semester and was just home for a short spring break (just about 4 days). I am having a really hard time leaving my parents and my hometown and I always feel panicky when I have to transition back to college.
does anyone with BPD or anxiety, or strong attachments have advice on how to cope with these strong emotions? Thank you.
@pinkpeach28 Oh those situations can be difficult! Leaving home isn't easy for most people, but when you're dealing with BPD it does make it another type of challenge. Sometimes there's some fears behind our struggle, I know for me even thinking about leaving home brings feelings of loneliness and 'how will I cope with it all'. Do you have this type of thoughts or similar ones, when the homesickness and anxiety hits?
Having a support system can be so important, be it keeping in check with those back home regularly or people you live with, right now. Do you have someone you can talk to when those emotions get difficult to manage, and that can help you get them out or distract (whatever it is you need in the moment)? Coping skills can also be helpful, when dealing with difficult emotions, like journaling, exercise, music or making art It all will depend on what works for you, but you're not alone in struggling with this and we're here for you! It's great you took that opportunity to leave home for college, it doesn't make it easier to handle for sure, but it's something to be proud of that you are doing it despite it all
Seems you sent this message a while ago too.. how did you cope with going back to college, how are you feeling now?
I agree with everything Evie wrote. You're doing well, even if it doesn't seem that way to you right now.
Hi there, I understand how difficult it can be to leave those you care about , especially with borderline personality disorder. We tend to feel very strong kinds of attachments to other people and that can come as a huge challenge. Do you have a schedule sorted out? Making schedules has sincerely helped me plan my life better and still be able to talk to the people I love