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Making my first check-in and letting off some steam in the way.

User Profile: reflectionFragment
reflectionFragment September 14th, 2022

Hey thank you for opening my message. I am not diagnosed with ASPD -- or anything really. I had one encounter with so called 'professionals' in my country. None of the three therapists would come to any conclusion. Not a real surprise since they spent not more than 5 minutes at best talking with me. --, but after years of research I have a strong suspiction that I might have ASPD (possibly with BPD/Schizoid/Bipolar influences). I've got no 'fancy symptoms' to brag about here like a tendency to violence. Yeah, I have them and thankfully I can keep these in control too so far, so I don't consider these to be problematic at all. The emptiness, the sometimes inescapable boredom, an anger stronger than I, and being left alone in a judgemental society that refuses to understand that come with it is the real suffering I think. I am well aware of the stigma around these disorders and their untreatable nature so one half of me feels I'm better off without any official diagnosis. The only thing I want is some understanding maybe.

I'm in my 20's and never had a job in my life, failed at multiple schools due to my bad mental state at the time in the past. (note: not that those degrees could get me any job right now, unfortunately.) Now I have no resources (money and energy) to fix anything. Thankfully I have the support of my S.O. to get me some food and basic goods. I feel dearly and infinitely grateful about this, but I still have an existencial dread mixed up with some nihilism almost constantly because this support does not seem to be enough to let us escape this wasteland. My environment had always felt hostile, and now its hostility seems to be multiplying. My neighborhood is hostile. No jobs available for people like me, since I'm not strong physically and have low stress tolerance. The only things I am good at the creative and mental work that are strongly discouraged here. My country is like going from 1st world to 3rd world and like abuse is the norm here in social interactions. Education and healthcare is declining. You literally have to wait half a day to get a bandage changed or you can consider yourself lucky if you get an appointment in the same year to have your vital organ surgery. I feel stuck and crippled in a relatively large city without affording driving licenses or any means of transportation. The air is polluted by uncaring people. In the big markets 95% of food is unhealthy because people here go for the 'cheap' standard -- which isn't actually cheap in the end -- and good plain stuff I like seem to be getting withdrawn. The last day I couldn't get simple things like bar soap and toothpaste that isn't loaded with all those toxic chemicals and had to walk out of the store without buying anything for myself. The grumpiness of people typical to this sh**hole country was just cherry on top when we (S.O. and I) politely asked the staff about the absent products. Like we were the stupid little annoyments how dare we ask them. Seriously I had to stop myself in there from doing damage to the damn store. I missed last night's sleep due to this. People here are hostile and hateful I hear many arguments from the other side of the walls of my apartment regularly. Yelling seems to be a common thing in families, between parents and their children or two adults. Funny enough that a woman regularly yells at her child or children that they should get a damn job. While even stores and factories often ignore or decline applicants. It seems very common here for people to have a lack of compassion. I may have my deficits in my affective empathy but still I can make the choice to act compassionately to make those close to me feel a bit more comfortable in their daily struggles. Since my philosophy tends to be based on the common nature of suffering, meaning that all life forms come with a suffering in a way or another. So I can't say witnessing these does not affect me despite I have nothing to do with their argument, thankfully. I can't help feeling saddened and disgusted by these people. Probably they keep reminding me to my own parents/relatives. So in conclusion I can't seem to do anything better now than trying to find many ways of enjoyment to make every dull day away. I'm only hoping to keep myself at the healthy side with these. Thanks for reading me.

User Profile: LostTurtle22
LostTurtle22 September 14th, 2022


i'm so sorry! this is terrible! what country are you from if i may ask?

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User Profile: reflectionFragment
reflectionFragment OP September 14th, 2022


I'm from Hungary.

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User Profile: LostTurtle22
LostTurtle22 September 14th, 2022


so sorry to hear. i've to Budapest a couple of times in my life. beautiful country and very nice people. is it because of the war?

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User Profile: reflectionFragment
reflectionFragment OP September 15th, 2022


No, I'm afraid this misery is more deep-seated than that. Current events the war in Ukraine may have some additional bad impact on the situation too, because it is happening very close. But this impact is like the top of an iceberg. To see the causes more clearly one has to look into history with an objective apporach.

There were a lot of invasions in the past, the world wars, systems that treated adult people as kids. Systems that called themselves one thing, but acted like another. That is why when it is said in the history books 'communist system in Hungary', you need to corrigate it to something like 'communist system on the top of feudalism in Hungary'. People here always blaming the losses on others, or other countries while the same people have been corrupt at all times. It is like a child (the metaphor of people) who is helplessly living under the hands of their tyrannic parent (the metaphor of the leader in the current system). So this child will inevitably start cheating and lying sooner or later. Because I believe that freedom is like water that will eventually start leaking if you keep squeezing the container. Except that this child is no longer supposed to be a child anymore. If countries were people, I'd say Hungary has a serious mental health problem that produces regression as a symptom.

So I believe the root causes are the 100 years of corruption and lies going on up 'till this very moment, and the immature adult child generations that resulted in an overall crap mental health situation in here. And funny enough, that mental health had been a tabboo topic here. No surprise why young people including me want to escape as quicly as possible.

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User Profile: LostTurtle22
LostTurtle22 September 15th, 2022


i used to have an hungarian friend a while ago. he claimed that the *uicide rate there is one of the highest in the world. i could never confirm it in the official statistics. on the other hand, Finns, who are ethnically related, are counted as one of the most happy societies lately. surprising, as i thought they had problem with alcohol there. so, you're right, the communism and history could brake people. the outcome of the Hungarian uprising in 1956 was so brutal.

maybe you should emigrate? i'm an immigrant myself.

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User Profile: reflectionFragment
reflectionFragment OP September 16th, 2022


Yeah. One cannot trust the official statistics here. Since these are controlled by the political elite. Rates must be pretty high, I think, since there is a huge depression and alcoholism problem here. Crazy but these two are considered a part of Hungarian culture today. I also noticed the statistics lie about unemployment rates too. Pretty depressing it is, yeah.

Indeed in Scandinavian countries the long dark and cold winters must be tough to go through and I heard that people get depressed there easily. I also admire the Finns' (sadly) unconventional humane approach.

And yes, I dream about emigrating on almost a daily basis. If I had an opportunity I think I'd pack right away. I'm scared to be stuck here, honestly.

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User Profile: LostTurtle22
LostTurtle22 September 16th, 2022

in many countries, including here where i live, there is a shortage of workers, despite a recession looming on the horizon. you know the language already. have you looked?

on the other hand, that would stress you more and separate you from your support system. maybe you should take care of your mental state first?

3 replies
User Profile: reflectionFragment
reflectionFragment OP September 16th, 2022


Yes, I've been trying to learn more about other countries. I have seen both encouraging things and some obstacles so far. Some require me to have a stable income and others don't. Honestly I feel it hard to leave my comfort zone too, no matter how bad the situation is.

No worries about my support system, because I never really had one in my life anyway. The only support system I ever had is myself and now it is only more complete thanks to my partner.

If you wish to share any experiences about your emigration, please do.

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User Profile: LostTurtle22
LostTurtle22 September 17th, 2022


no, i would not be comfortable to talk about my life story here in the open forum. you can message me if still interested about it.

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User Profile: reflectionFragment
reflectionFragment OP September 18th, 2022

I understand it. Thank you.

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User Profile: StarlitSky4762
StarlitSky4762 September 18th, 2022

@reflectionFragment Thank you for sharing all of this here with us. I'm really proud of you for having the courage to open up about the ways in which you struggle emotionally.

Even if there are few therapists in your country, you can still learn skills to help you cope better with your emotions and thoughts. For example: This YouTube playlist contains the entirety of the Dialectical Behavioral Therapy skills in video format. The videos are high quality, and created by a licensed therapist. Resources such as this, reading the DBT book, and attending support groups can all help you cope better.

Also please message me if you have some questions <3

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User Profile: reflectionFragment
reflectionFragment OP September 18th, 2022

This looks really useful. Thank you. ♥

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