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Dino land!

reliableCake732 December 30th, 2023

This place is to talk...

Only for:





Please don't massage if you are not one of these four...

Type when you three are free ❤️💌👀💞

iloveyouxx December 30th, 2023

aww cuteee- I’m free hehe, how are youu ?

reliableCake732 OP December 30th, 2023


I am free too:)

iloveyouxx December 30th, 2023

@reliableCake732 yayy( ^∀^)

iloveyouxx December 30th, 2023

@iloveyouxx how are you ? :3

reliableCake732 OP December 30th, 2023


💌 Letter for you.

reliableCake732 OP December 30th, 2023


Cool chats 😜

reliableCake732 OP December 30th, 2023


So, let's decide our topic!!!

🧁A cupcake for you :D

reliableCake732 OP December 30th, 2023

OMG Nadia you watch pugloulou too🌷


iloveyouxx December 30th, 2023

@reliableCake732 YOU DO TOO ? ahhhh yayyyy 😆

reliableCake732 OP December 30th, 2023


reliableCake732 OP December 30th, 2023


Recommended me som shows

iloveyouxx December 30th, 2023

@reliableCake732 hmm how old are you (if you’re oki w sharing)

reliableCake732 OP December 30th, 2023


Any guesses?

I am 1_

reliableCake732 OP December 30th, 2023


13 duh💌🌷

iloveyouxx December 30th, 2023

hehe lol idk you watched everything 😭

reliableCake732 OP December 30th, 2023



iloveyouxx December 31st, 2023

@reliableCake732 hii :3

reliableCake732 OP December 31st, 2023


Hi 💞

iloveyouxx December 31st, 2023

@reliableCake732 how are yoouuu (not letting you avoid the question this time lol)

reliableCake732 OP December 31st, 2023


Okayish,Living with my relatives to study and missing my fam lol..

iloveyouxx December 31st, 2023

sorrryyy got distracted- also smth you should know about me is I get distracted a lotttt 😀 anyway not lol when’re you going to see them again ?

reliableCake732 OP January 1st


Idk :(

iloveyouxx January 1st

@reliableCake732 aww I’m sorry- why do you need to study with your relatives?

reliableCake732 OP January 1st


My mom passed away and my dada busy schedule and a lot of fam issues

iloveyouxx January 1st

@reliableCake732 oh no I’m sorry- 

iloveyouxx January 1st

@iloveyouxx if it makes you feel any better you’re not alone- my mom passed away too I’m here for you cakey🩵 (calling you cakey from now on hehe)

reliableCake732 OP January 1st


For the first time I found someone same as me 💙

reliableCake732 OP January 1st


Ykw,I love 7 cups

People are real here 🖤

reliableCake732 OP January 2nd



reliableCake732 OP January 2nd



iloveyouxx January 1st

hehe yeah < 3 look even if it’s 5 am or something you can alwaysss come on here and ypvent cause I don’t sleep lol 😀 so I’ll reply when I can because I care so much about you even though we just met😁 anddd I’m always here for you (weather you like it or not/j) and people who know me knoww you can’t push me away or get me to stop caring if you just tell me you’re suddenly better because I love you too much for that :3

reliableCake732 OP January 1st


Thank you so much 💞😊

Same to you ❣️🌷

reliableCake732 OP January 1st


My relatives dog bites ne today :/

It's painful 😣

iloveyouxx January 1st

@reliableCake732 ouch my aunts can scratched me 😅 *sends healing beams* 

reliableCake732 OP January 1st


Ty 😣💙

iloveyouxx January 1st

@reliableCake732 oh no does it really hurt ? D:

reliableCake732 OP January 1st


Ya 😣

reliableCake732 OP January 1st


Although he is vaccinated

iloveyouxx January 2nd

hiii ! :3 sorry just crying in an office looking pathetic 😀 how are youuu ? < 3

iloveyouxx January 18th

hii- how’re youu ? :0🩷