A Communication Space for Jaeteuk and bestVase7265 only. (Please do not reply or respond, thank you)
I hope this can be a start of support for the long-term for the both of us.
Focus for a bit on caring for yourself. It sounds like it is all pretty overwhelming at the moment. Are you eating a healthy diet? Are you getting outside for a few minutes each day, maybe to walk. You will settle into the news about your grandmother. It just takes a bit of time.
I'm arriving at my shift earlier, and walking across the street to the market. It's also a bit of a walk from parkade to building.
Coming home tonight, my mum got the latest news with grandma. So her doctor was able to give her some medications that I guess helps thins the blood a little, and if she reacts well, she'll be discharged from the hospital and be back in her senior home this weekend. So, fingers-crossed that Grandma reacts well to the medication.
I'm planning to wash my car this Saturday, early in the morning, probably around 9am. As it's going to be very hot this weekend. That is my type of self-care, washing my car, I always feel good, almost proud, that I've made it nice and sparkly clean again.. I've been forced to park under trees in the parking lot, as those were the only spots available this week.. so, lot's of tree sap everywhere. Plus, I haven't had my car washed since before winter.
Washing the car sounds awesome! That is definitely self-care. Just do it early in the morning with the heat.
It is warm here as well. I try to walk daily, but I can only do it in the morning by around 7 am and in the evening at 7:30 pm. Then I can survive. But it really helps me mentally to get outside a bit. @Jaeteuk
Yes, I've washed my car as planned. Got out of bed by 9am, changed, put on sunscreen, my car washing gloves (I've taken expired surgical gloves home and use them to wash my car each time). With all the scrubbing, rinsing, drying off the body and using a squeegee to dry the glass, and wiped the inside glass/windows with window cleaner.. all that took me 1.25 hours. I've also noticed some spots on my car, looks like the glossy layer of paint is bubbling.
When I woke up this morning, I noticed my tongue is a bit swollen. It's right on the spot where my dentist says that she needs to keep an eye on because it may turn cancerous. I'm hoping it's swollen and red only because I ate some Korean spicy fried chicken a few days ago. So, over the weekend and the beginning of next week, I'll use salt water to rinse and see if it gets any better. If not, I might need to make an emergency visit to my dentist later in the week to have her look at it. Hoping the salt water is the remedy!
I am sure that the salt water will be a good remedy. Remember that you could have also bitten your tongue while you were asleep. Focus on the possible okay reasons rather than making that big leap.
I am glad that you had a successful car cleaning. Did you have any other moments of peace today? I had a nice time listening to a summer rainstorm. @Jaeteuk
I ended up taking a nap in the afternoon.. since I haven't been sleeping well during my work week.
Are you back from your trip now?
I am indeed back from the trip and over the jet lag for the most part. Glad to hear that you got some rest.
Latest update on my Grandma. Heard my mum read a message last night coming from her sisters. Says Grandma seems to be reacting well to the medication, and after running a few more tests, she can be discharged from the hospital and transferred back to her seniors home.
*sigh of relief*
Last Friday, I almost lost it with a colleague near the end of her shift.. we later on continued our conversation through text messages.. and long story short, she's telling me that I seem to be incompetent in my work because I'm a Casual and not a full-time permanent staff like she is. Casual meaning I'm not working Mon-Fri, all throughout the year, and only working when others' are on vacation. Then, she goes one saying that I'm not happy in the job, that I don't communicate well with others (she knows I have some conflicts with the current temporary staff the joined our team).. Of course, as they are of the same ethnicity, she tells me that the person is actually very nice and can get along well with people, if I'd just communicate with her more. Then, complains about me leaving things for the morning staff to do, or that I've missed certain tasks.. There were 3 tasks that I was reminded of from the OR Charge desk clerk (she told me there had been complaints, but not saying from whom), early in the week, and those were the tasks I made sure I completed every night before I left.. then, this colleague comes and tells me, that the early morning person had been saying that she needed to do those tasks in the morning because it was done the night before.. I was thinking "Lies.. all lies. Those 3 tasks are the last things I made sure I did every night, so I'm sure it was done." So, it seems to me, that this early morning person is just trying to make some sort of complaint about me, to get me in trouble. I tried to explain to this colleague that I didn't communicate with anybody the past week because of some issues at home, then, she's like, we all have sh*t going on at home, and still come to work and communicate with each other. I told her, it's not normal things going on at home, it's someone in my home country who is suddenly very ill. Then, by the sounds of her reply, she still thinks that it's not an excuse for me to not communicate with them, and if I was really affected, that I should've just told the Manager that I needed some time off.
I actually did think about taking time off, but knowing that there isn't anyone to cover my absence, I chose not to. Also, my parents wouldn't agree and probably nag me to go to work anyways. So, I just went to work, despite my verge of breakdowns, not wanting to communicate with anybody and being mentally logged out.
If this colleague keeps bringing up that because I'm a Casual, so I work unproductively and inefficiently because of my job status compared to a permanent full-time staff, I'm going to have to report her to my Union. Isn't this a form of discrimination? She compared me to the current staff that usually works the shift I cover, and say that I do less of what she does, and has no time management in mind.. What angers me most is how she said, "Being a Casual you're not going to have the efficiency of a full timer, it's tough filling in for M." It makes me feel she's thinking less of me, my abilities, just because my job status is different than others. Who does she thinks she is, to say that about me? For someone who only started this job early this year, compared to me working this job for 3 years now. Just because she's been working in a Hospital (a different department) for nearly 10 years, doesn't mean she knows any better in the current position that she just started this year. What gives her the right to talk to me like that? Like I'm not a hard-worker and I'm doing less than expected. Then, go on and say things like, "No one is taking jabs at you".. but then, go on to complain about my work ethics. Its people like her that make me dislike my working environment. And having multiple mothers at work that nags me more than my own mother.
I am so, so sorry for the rough job situation. You don't deserve it because you are doing a good job. Some people need to feel better about themselves by putting other people below them.
I would talk to a supervisor a bit about it if you get a chance. You might even bring the message that you just wrote with you because you have laid out the details so nicely. You deserve to work in an environment that appreciates you more.
But, I am glad that your grandmother is doing a bit better. @Jaeteuk
Shall I give her another chance before speaking to a Manager about it? I always feel reluctant to speak to the Manager, because once she investigates, it will be obvious that I've said something about it.. and that it will change the atmosphere between me and that colleague..
I love the fact that you are willing to give her another chance. I would indeed do that first. It shows that you are more mature than she is. Focus on the fact that you know you are doing what needs to get done. If she says something that is particularly cruel, then admit that comment hurt you. When you say something like "that comment makes me feel..." rather than "what a horrible thing to say, you are mean and insecure person" you say something that she can't dispute. Your feelings are your feelings. If she then says "well you shouldn't feel that way" then you simply say "but I do feel that way and I get to choose how a comment makes me feel, not you." Texting such things is obviously easier than saying them, but be brave and put the ball back in her court to behave better and be less judgmental. @Jaeteuk
So, the latest news from my Aunts about grandma.. Apparently she's been in-and-out of the hospital. She was first discharged and returned to her senior's home.. but because the senior's home does not have oxygen tanks for her to use, when she seemed to have difficult breathing, they returned her to the hospital. According to her doctor though, there isn't anything else wrong with her, so, she doesn't really need to "stay" in the hospital for treatment. But now, considering how she sometimes have difficulty catching her breath, this back-and-forth, to-and-from the senior's home-to-hospital is not very ideal too.. So, we'll have to wait and see what the doctors at the hospital say..
I also heard my mum talk on the phone with my Aunt yesterday, or was that the day before.. Anyways, I also asked her about it.. She says she would still like to go back and visit before she goes on her Cruise trip in mid-September.. so, she's considering to go back like in mid-August.. she says she's afraid that her mum will suddenly pass while they are on the cruise. She doesn't want to have regrets or miss the chance to see her mum while she's still healthy. She explained to her sister that her heart feels heavy and uneasy, if she doesn't go see her mum now. The Aunt who live in the States says she's not returning this year. At first, my mum was worried about what her sisters would think about it.. like, if my mum were to return and my Aunt in the States doesn't.. she feels that her sisters in HK will think bad things about them.. as my mum and Aunt are the only siblings that live overseas from HK. So, I told my mum.. just following your own heart, do what you feel is right. If Aunt doesn't want to return to visit her mum because they went back to see her last November together, and she doesn't feel the need because grandma is not in any urgent condition, then, that's her thoughts.
My Aunt in the States, amongst all my mum's siblings, she's the one most educated, she had even went to England for her University Studies (where she met her husband). The other siblings, my mum included, some didn't even finish high school. So, with my Aunt, she has her own principles and disciplines and acts accordingly.
My brother's University friend will be coming over to our place tonight for a sleepover. He came from Washington, DC. My brother hired him to work remotely earlier this year, and he has been here for the past week and held meetings along with other colleagues from England. He will be coming over to our place later this afternoon, my brother plans to take him out and walk about the neighbourhood, we have a street that is like a brewery district, so, my brother will take him to different breweries. At first, we were planning to have a BBQ at our place, but last night, my brother realized that this friend's appetite has grown, so, he's afraid that we'll have to buy too much food to feed him.. So, my mum suggested that my brother should just take him out for dinner.. have sushi or something. He's only staying for one night, then, my brother will drive him out to the Airport for a 1pm flight to the East Coast.. where he's meeting his sister in Toronto as they visit a cousin.
So, I have 4 weeks of shifts starting tomorrow. This week, I'll be working the morning shift, starting at 0730, I was supposed to do a 1200 shift on Friday, but the past Friday, a colleague asked if I could work her 0630 shift, as she has a doctor's appointment booked in the morning. I agreed, since I'm already working a 0730 shift Mon - Thurs, starting an hour earlier doesn't make much difference. Then, the week after, I'll be working a 1200 shift, Mon - Wed, then, a 0730 shift, Thurs/Fri. Then, back to the 1200 shift the next two weeks. Then, I'm off the week of Aug. 19th (I had a choice whether or not to work this week, I declined it, because it's my dad's birthday on the Friday, and since the shifts were given as a block, I declined the whole week). Then, I'm back to the 0730 shift from Aug. 26th to Sept. 6th. Then, off the next week, then, work the next two weeks.
Honestly though, I'm not looking forward to this week's work.. Because it means that I'll be stuck with the colleague I don't get along with all morning.. as she's starts her shift at 0630. Dreading going to work tomorrow, I haven't slept well last night.. I tried going to bed earlier (not watch my dramas too late), ended up sleeping around 2-3am.. then, woke up at 5am, 7am, and 9am.. I finally got out of bed around 10am and went to take a shower.. but, my eyes now.. it's only noon, and I already feel like going back to bed. I'm so sleepy.
Sorry to hear about your grandmother's continued struggle. I think that you gave very good advice to your mom though - do what your heart tells you. It isn't important who goes when or whether someone thinks badly of you. What is most important is your own emotions. Your mom will spend the entire cruise otherwise worrying about her mom. She deserves to have inner peace on the issue.
It sounds like a good plan with your brother's friend as well. Unless the friend is tired, it is nice to see a new city and try different kinds of food.
I know that it feels like a lot of work shifts, but you will get through them. Ignore any troublesome colleagues as much as possible and focus on doing the job the best that you can. Get sleep when you can too. Your father's birthday is coming up so that will be good to look forward to. Consider that a goal.
OMG.. I wrote a reply earlier.. then, when I clicked Post, Cups had logged me out.. Now I gotta rewrite the reply..
If my parents do plan to visit grandma by mid-August, then, my dad would be spending his birthday in HK instead. Speaking of celebrations, come to think of it, it's been a few years since we were able to celebrate our parents' anniversary, because they've always been planning to celebrate it on the Cruise.
I hope I get to see his friend at least as a greeting tonight before I sleep. Otherwise, I wouldn't have seen him at all. My parents are coming home in like 10 minutes, they were invited over to their friend's place for dinner after church this morning. I actually had asked my brother's friend to bring me some snacks from Trader's Joe.. but I guess he didn't get a chance to buy any before coming, otherwise, I think he would've handed it to my brother to give to me when he first arrived. He's not exactly new in our city, he only moved to the States after getting married. But, he did live like an hour away from us back when they met in University.
I'm actually a little worried about my morning shift. Because I don't often work this shift, I'll be really slow in completing my primary task.. of which, I'm afraid that colleague will say something about to others. But, I'll still try and keep up with my pace and try to help out with the shared tasks too.. That way, this colleague can see that I'm not just focused on my own primary tasks and turn a blind eye to everything else.
I'll also be throwing some broccoli into the pot to boil in the morning and bring as a snack for work. Since it's not good to keep cooked veggies overnight in the fridge, I've washed and drained a portion of broccoli. I don't usually eat lunch when I work (whether I'm doing a morning shift or evening shift).. So, I'll just bring some healthy snacks like broccoli instead. I've washed a whole bunch and have the rest in the freezer. To make things quicker tomorrow morning, I'll probably use the water in the thermos to boil my broccoli, rather than getting water from the tap to wait and bring to boil.. that would be more time consuming. Parents are home now, so I messaged my brother that he could park on the right side of the driveway when he comes home.
So, the friend did buy the goodies.. I didn't see them on the kitchen counter until later last night, after they came back from dinner.
So, I smiled and nodded as a greeting to that colleague this morning.. but, she stayed out of the area that I was working in.. so, she's avoiding me as much as I would with her.. So, it's all good.. I think she only spoke to me like three times today.. asking about some things I was doing.. Which is fine with me.. So, it's not exactly just me that's avoiding her when I worked a different shift.. Now that we're both mornings, she avoids me too. It's all good. But, she wouldn't even communicate with me when she goes for break.. so, at times, I don't even know if she's just doing tasks outside of the area I'm in.. or if she disappeared for break. Whatever.. but you can easily tell how she treats me differently too.. when the other colleague started at noon, she was all cheery in greeting her and started a conversation with her.. That colleague greeted us both at the same time, and I barely was able to reply her and that colleague was already talking over me.. Oh well, I'm used to it.. It's just unpleasant to work with someone like that.. She probably thinks that same about me.
I hate it when that happens with Cups. Sometimes if you can copy it really fast because your response looks like it isn't loading then you can save yourself from retyping. But I only can do that once in while.
Sometimes you can celebrate things when people get back home. It can be nice to have more than one celebration.
Glad you got the Trader Joe's snacks. What are your favorites? There are definitely some good ones. I had some waffle cookies last week that were great.
You are learning to do your best around your rough colleague. The best thing to do is not to focus on her and ignore her. You are figuring out how to do that. Go you!
Yes, sometimes I'm able to quickly copy it too, but very rarely. I guess Cups had an update, so it logged me out. When I went on the App this morning, I was logged out there too.
So, when I got home from work this afternoon, I asked my parents if they were still going to visit Grandma end of August. She said they went to ask the travel agency, apparently, there are no available flights back in September.. as many return to Canada for the school year. So, I guess my parents won't be going back until after the Cruise trip. I believe they are taking the Asian cruise again, so, it would be easier for them to get to HK afterwards..
The last time the friend came, he brought some chocolate coconut covered almonds.. By far my favorite, so I had him buy it this time around too. That was all I requested, as well as some Muscle Ointment that is only available in Walmart US. So, I asked for 2 tubes. Aside from the almonds.. he had other goodies too.. Some white truffle chips, biscotti, cheese stick, and pack of whole bean coffee (knowing our whole family loves coffee).
Yes, that rough colleague.. it feels so awkward.. like she doesn't say a word to me.. and not knowing when she's gone for break.. it's like, I have to be aware of things happening outside of my area whenever I realized she hasn't popped in for a while.. Like, the first day, on Monday, I'd expect her to ask me about what time I'd go for break.. that way she can time her break times.. but she didn't ask me, nor did she tell me when she was going.. *sigh* And with her primary tasks.. she wasn't even in the area long enough to follow through with her tasks, so, she only did partial, I guess because she doesn't want to be in the same space as me.. So, on Monday.. I was doing her other parts because she wasn't around when it's supposed to be done..
Her main task.. is to call up case carts (basically they are carts where instruments are placed for each surgery).. and check the instruments on each case to make sure everything is picked correctly and nothing is missing.. On Monday, I was doing most of the calling of carts.. and she only popped in to check the cases, then, disappears again.. Tuesday.. it was almost half and half.. and still only spoke to me like less than 5 times.. There's one thing.. she's also supposed to be putting supplies away.. In the mornings, the staff downstairs usually send up supplies that are kept in our department.. and working the 0630 shift, she's supposed to be putting those away.. So, Tuesday morning, I received a basket full of supplies.. at first, I kept it on top of a table, just to see if she'd take it to put it away.. (mind you, she was doing something that the afternoon staff requested her to do).. but, instead of putting the basket of supplies away, she moved it to the shelf below.. I waited for like a good 15 minutes just to see if she'd put down her work, to put it away.. she didn't.. so, I made a trip to put it away when I had to step out of my area for other supplies.. But supposedly, it's her job to do it. Oh well.. I bet that if I left it there, she wouldn't touch it.. So, I did it.. I'm the "I-see-I-do" type of person.. So, if I've stepped out of my area and saw something needs to be filled, I'll do it.. Or if something needs to be moved or checked, I'll do it.. I don't turn a blind eye to things like that.. that's not how I work.. But I also don't make extra trips.. So, if I stepped out of my area to get something, and see something else needs to be done.. I'll do it as a multi-task. Or if my hands are full, then, I'll put down my things and return to do whatever it is I noticed.
Well, tomorrow is going to be Wednesday and she's off Friday.. so, two more shifts with her.. lolz.
All of that stuff from Trader Joes sounds awesome. I am going to have to go again myself soon.
Sometimes fate decides for you whether you are going to travel to see someone or not. At least your mom knows that traveling to HK before her cruise really isn't possible. That will make her feel less concerned on the cruise itself. She is doing her best.
Yes, I can imagine that the colleague is very awkward to be around. It does sound like you are ending up with more work because she is avoiding you. Maybe a better way to think about it though is that by doing her work you end up not seeing her as often so you can relax a little more. I like the "I see the work and I do it" type. You feel more accomplished and she has less to accuse you of when she sees later how much you have done that she should have done. Her guilt can keep her from causing you more trouble.
You are going to make it through the shifts.
Since Covid first came up until now, my parents haven't gone over to the States to Costco or Trader Joe's.. So, it seems it's only from that friend that we can get yummy snacks bought for us. When my parents went before, we always bought the olive oil popcorn.. I wonder if they still have it.
That colleague is off on Friday.. Today though, I tried talking to her a bit more.. to break the ice a bit.. at least for the time that she's in the same space.. I tried talking to her more.. I heard she was clearing her throat a lot, so I asked if she was feeling irritated.. she said it was her allergies.. Then, I spoke with her more and talked about work.. it seems okay.. she helped me put things away.. which was shocking for a change..
They do still have the olive oil popcorn I think. I haven't had any recently.
It is great that you made a stronger effort to get along with your colleague. Showing that little bit of kindness will help her see you more as you really are. If she somehow misses that, then she is pretty blind.
So Grandma is in and out of the hospital again.. her saturation levels are low. My parents made the sudden decision to return to HK asap. They are going to leave on Monday morning and will stay for a month. They confirmed everything today, flights, and they will call the hotel tomorrow to see if they offer and long-stay promotions.
Sorry to hear. Trying to figure out the plan at such moments is quite the challenge for everyone. How are you handling things?@Jaeteuk
Parents have made the final payment for the hotel stay, after calling the hotel and asking about promotions. I'm getting teary just thinking about losing grandma, and it's saddening that I can't go back with my parents to see her.. Plane tickets and the stay is so expensive, and plus, I have to work.. I really don't know how it's going to be if she really goes.. I did tell my mum to keep me updated on Grandma's condition.
It is tough to be there and it is tough to deal with the guilt when you cannot. Your parents will do a good job being there in your stead. You are right that the costs are high both financially and with your job. Perhaps you can make your parents promise to set up some Zoom or Google Meet calls with your grandmother.
Sending lots of peace.