Newcomer exploring ways to communicate with others
I'm new to 7 Cups, but I'm looking for a way to communicate with others in a safe environment. Not sure how this pen pals thing works but wanted to reach out nonetheless. Thanks, Paul
Hi. Hi.
Thank you, Helga,
I often tell the devil that he is compelled to flee from me because Jesus Lives within my heart and will not tolerate his presence. I tell the same evil one to get away from my family and my church. And I ask God would keep my mind and eyes focused on what is good. In addition to that I engage the means of grace every morning for a time of devotion and with scripture, prayer, and reading someone's personal testimony out of The Upper Room devotion guide. Www.the
This of course, not to mention what I do on Sunday morning and throughout the week in my job! That does not make me immune to the attacks of the devil and the perpetration of evil in this world. your prayers I know are powerful because of your devotion and faith in the Lord and I thank you.
You have been very attentive to me, I would like to offer support and return. You haven't shared much with me but I would love to listen if you're wanting to share any of your struggles. You're here for a reason like all of us.
@CatDaddy60 hi i am new too we can chat if u want, i won't judge <3
Young friend Sophie.
Good morning to you pastor Cat.
A prayer for the day: Must the blood of Jesus Christ cover us from top to toe and lead all deception away from our lives.
During the war my mother studied music in Oslo. She rented a room at a lady; she was single - a Metodist as you. When my mother married and had children this woman became our "aunt Margit".
Hello pastor Paul.
Do youhave any opinion about x-president Donald Trump? I think he is like the Devil - lying all the time.
Hi! Welcome :)
@CatDaddy60 Welcme to 7cups.