LF Pen Pals!
Looking for forum pen pals!
I would like to talk about coping skills, sharing experience with hobbies, and achievements (small or big!) Ideally pen pals be also within similar age group as me or older, I’m 24 years old for reference. (I’m not comfortable with 1-on-1 adult/teen discussions, rather have that performed as a group.)
Hobbies have been on-and-off for me, but I’m getting back into the swing of things! Drawing, at-home exercise, and reading tips & advice on this forum funny enough. I don’t watch much media but hearing people’s musings and perspectives is always fun! I try to give new things a go, so don’t be shy sharing media and its significance to you.
Open to potentially triggering conversations, as long as given a little heads up! 🌹
I sometimes see the reply notification but am unable to see reply. Apologies for whoever attempted to reach out, unless I’m mistaken and it’s a ghost notification?