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For Retr0ne only

Keith22534 July 7th

Heyyy @Retr0ne

you can always rant here and I’ll try to respond as soon as possible. Don’t feel bad about yourself, please. 


Keith22534 OP July 7th


are you sure you’ve got it. Just reply to it once so I’ll know


Retr0ne July 10th

Missed you esha, you're a good friend to me

Keith22534 OP July 13th


heyy, you’re a good friend too. You are wonderful, ok?


Retr0ne July 13th

i mean not rlly but yk

Keith22534 OP July 16th


checking in, friend... you ok?


Retr0ne July 16th

im never ok

Keith22534 OP July 16th


ok, then, rant. I created this forum for that only. I’m trying to be a good friend here because I don’t know people here too but I want to get to know you.

Retr0ne July 16th

idk life just isnt the happy world i thought it would be. it all sucks and its just not, appealing?

Keith22534 OP July 17th


yeah, i get that...

Keith22534 OP July 24th


checking in, friend... 


Retr0ne August 3rd

alive so far, hru friendo?

Keith22534 OP August 3rd


not so good but alive

Keith22534 OP August 9th


checking in... have you eaten and hydrated?


Retr0ne August 9th

i is clear like water i guess, but no food in a while, no..

Keith22534 OP August 11th


why havent you eaten?

Retr0ne August 12th

food is a lie made up by barn companies to sell more barns to farmers

Keith22534 OP August 13th


its not a lie. It’s food. I mean, I get it. Retr0, you can’t starve yourself.

Retr0ne August 13th

i can its easy rlly

Keith22534 OP August 14th


ik its easy but i dont want you to. so eat, please.

Retr0ne August 15th

i ate half a fish and had a glass of water, barely alive but i guess we holdin on

Keith22534 OP August 15th


thats improvement. thankyouu 

Retr0ne August 16th

js wanma let u know i appreciaye u, tc

msybe ill be back...

...hpoe not

Keith22534 OP August 16th


where are you going? retr0, please dont do anything. please. take care of yourself. ok? if you do come back, please reply to the thread.

Retr0ne August 24th

always aluve and never idk good at it

Keith22534 OP August 24th


nobody is good at being alive but everyone tries, yk. I was this close to catching you in tcr like 5 minutes ago-

Retr0ne August 16th

to livr is to suffr, to surviv3 is to find m3anin in the sufferin, but there aint meanin

Keith22534 OP August 16th

reminds of the secret history by donna tart



The thing is there's a project in our college going on..No person literally no person took me in their group and literally betrayed me in terms of friendship 

I'm all alone since 3 days who would come up with me who would come with me I started literally begging people please take me in please take me in still everyone told it's all taked in! 

Today is the day i will finally know where I will go 

Whether i will be in a team or not and which team it at all

Keith22534 OP August 16th


hi, this is a thread for me and my friend only. i dont want anyone else to reply 

dhabib August 16th

@Keith22534 my dad always makes me sad makes me feel bad he words he uses directly at me it’s verbal abuse negative hurtful words I have experienced it as an adult increased anxiety and stress it makes me feel the worse 

Keith22534 OP August 16th


hi, this is a thread for me and my friend only. i dont want anyone else to reply 

dhabib August 16th

@Keith22534 there a female that makes me feel bad about myself , I also hated cheerleading I didn’t make it in high school 

I hated physical education it’s sweating 

Keith22534 OP August 25th


missing you, friend. I think I had an anxiety attack more than once in two days. And I have never had an attack like that. Retr0, I don’t want you to leave. Too many people have left and I miss all of them. Please don’t leave.

Retr0ne August 29th

im tryin to stay, dw, i (probably) wont do nothin again

Keith22534 OP August 29th


ok. stay safe. eat something and hydrate, please. 

Retr0ne September 1st

miss you

thats all

ttys maybe

Keith22534 OP September 1st


miss you too. ok.

Keith22534 OP September 11th


checking in... how are you? have you eaten and hydrated? 


Keith22534 OP September 11th


dont you dare do it.

i just saw your bio. dont do it, please

Keith22534 OP September 11th

@Retr0ne just reply please