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A space for @nouhamarouanii and Berry

Hey hey @nouhamarouanii you can share all you want here. I'm here to listen, I'm genuinely willing to listen. Feel free to come here anytime you need and vent or rant as you like. You won't be a burden to me, I assure you. Please keep going and don't give up, okay? 🤍🤍 *sending lots of hugs and love to you* 🫂

exuberantBlackberry9105 OP November 2nd

@nouhamarouanii hi nouha, how're you feeling today? anything you wanna get off your mind? feel free to share anything you want. 💙

exuberantBlackberry9105 OP November 20th

@nouhamarouanii hey, i wanna check in on you're you're doing. i really hope you're here and taking care of yourself. if you need to talk, i'm here, okay? ❤️