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Embracing Endings: Finding beauty in sunsets

Ubebe March 7th

If someone asked me if I'm more of a sunrise or sunset person, I'd definitely go with sunrise. There's just something about the fresh start and potential of a new day that gets me excited. Sunsets, on the other hand, used to make me feel kind of sad. They reminded me that things were ending, and I wasn't a fan of that.

But lately, I've been thinking differently. I've realized that endings aren't all bad. In fact, they can be pretty beautiful in their own way. It's taken me some time, but I've come to accept that some things and some people and even aspects of my former self just won't be around forever. And you know what? That's okay.

Now when I see a sunset, I see it as a reminder of all the good times and experiences I've had. It's like a celebration of the journey, with all its ups and downs. Sure, it's bittersweet, but there's a certain kind of magic in watching the sky light up with those warm, vibrant colors.

So yeah, maybe I'm still more of a sunrise person at heart, but I've definitely learned to appreciate the beauty in a good sunset. It's all part of this crazy thing we call life, and I'm just trying to soak it all in.




Aww what a thoughtful reflection. Thanks for sharing! 

I've always been a sunset person but can definitely attest to the beauty of watching the sun rise and starting your day afresh. Its like a reminder from the sun "hey it was dark but look here now, I rose again, so can you🌞".🥰

Ubebe OP March 8th


Yes, the sunrise embodies hope and new beginnings, illuminating the world with promise and possibility. How do you view or what're your thoughts on sunsets tho?


Very true. Sunsets, mhm, just that endings can be beautiful, liberating and peaceful too and if we stay a little longer, we can *capture* the moment in our heart too.🥰

Vagi March 7th

😁@Ubebe very great message!! Enjoy the celebration 🍾 

Ubebe OP March 8th


thank you! I hope you have a good day/night!