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Single mom fears.

Gh0sstt September 6th

I am 22 years old and currently 19 weeks pregnant and I think I’m going through antenatal depression. At first I was excited about being a mother but now I have more doubts than ever. I feel very alone even if I have many people to want to support me.

What I fear most is never finding love again or someone who would accept me and my child and take in as their own child.

Has anyone on here found love again after having a baby? It would make me feel better to know other peoples experiences.

jacek73 Thursday

@Gh0sstt Hello :) I think it is very important how do you feel during this blessed time.

Long time ago, when I was born my father was 21 and my mother just turning 19. They married because of my expected arrival. My father was in then obligatory military service, often not at home or nervous when at home. My mother was constantly lost, depressed and crying. I inherited this, suffering from mild depression most of my life. Remember that while you and your child are one body, he or she is sharing your thoughts and emotions.

And, please, don't be too eager to be depressed now :-) When your baby is born you might be greatly enchanted and happy. But later on start short nights and a lot of work - combined with a rollercoaster of hormones - then you may suffer from a special depression called "baby blues". I hope you've got family or devoted friends who will support you in this special time.

I think pregnant women are often more charmful than usually, because they shine a light of a double live. Regarding my age, I could be your father, and that would be a pleasure to have a cup of coffee with you, if you were my neighbour.

Remember to remain positive! You are a chosen one - God (under whatever name you call him, or her) have given to you a honour to give birth to a child. He will take care of you. And so good people, I believe.

Heartful cheers for you and your baby! :)