My Parent's Parenting style
Hi, I am here today because I want to know insights regarding my our situation. I am the eldest daughter. I am currently living away with my parents and I seldom go home because of one reason. Our home is no longer healthy. Daily shouting from my parents to my brothers is our breakfast. We are no longer have healthy conversations because of lots of issues such as finances and accountabilities. My parents cannot manage the misbehaviour of our teen brothers. How do you manage teen boys to listen to instructions and rules at home?
@caringjo27 oh two teens, that's hard to manage. You know why teens cause so much trouble and arguments at home? It's because they can, they feel safe to do so, because they know their parents love them unconditionally. Their bodies are changing, pressures of school, change in their minds. It's a lot going on for them to handle, so they hurt the ones they love. Cause in the end their the ones who will always stand by them. Rather than shouting and punishing, perhaps more 1-1 calm chats. Get to know what's happening with them. And try to be patient with them. This stage will pass. But yes laying boundaries that they can understand and find fair is important too. Good luck ❤❤