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Advice for a single dad

decisiveCherry542 June 30th

I've never posted before so I don't know what to expect. But here goes nothing. I'm a very recent "single" dad. My fiancée moved down to FL from MN. For the time being (next 3-4 months) the kids are with me. My 2 step kids (ages 9 and 7) and my 1 with my ex (age 4). The 2 oldest are special needs. I have the youngest every other weekend. I also recently lost my job due to asking for a schedule change to accommodate childcare. So now our main source of income is Doordash and Spark, which really doesn't pay jack. I struggle with my own mental health issues and am struggling with the responsibility of running the house, trying to get enough income to stay afloat, manage all 3 kids, the pets and somehow find time for myself (like eating, sleeping and showering). I've told my fiancée that I'm doing ok, that I got it. I'm pretty sure she knows better. I say it partially for her but mostly for myself. Mind over matter right? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


@decisiveCherry542 Hey there. I'm just seeing your post and I wanted to let you know that I empathize with all you are going through. While being a parent and raising children may be very rewarding, it can also be challenging. I'm sorry you no longer have your other job but I'm glad you have DoorDash and Spark as some kind of way to earn income. I hope the rates in your area increase though so life can be more comfortable for you and the children. ♡ I'm sure as a father that you are doing the best you can with the cards you are dealt. Please stay positive and keep on doing what you are doing. I know children are a big priority but, please, also try and make time to care for you. Self care is so important and dads need love too! Hope life is getting better some for you between the time you posted this and now. Hope you and your family are happy, well, and safe. 

DancingSongbird579 August 5th


I'm not sure I have any advice, but I can say that parenting is one of the hardest things people do, and single parenting is extra hard. It can be immensely rewarding, and immensely frustrating. 

I would agree with the previous reply, as you are able, take time to take care of yourself. Take advantage of any resources you have available. Friend/family/neighbor who can watch kids for an hour/week while you run errands? anything like that can help take some of your strain off. 

Hopefully you can make it sanely through the next few months. 

Try to enjoy the good moments with the kids, playing a game, helping set the table, anything at all where you feel like a good parenting moment, it's good to cherish that and help get you through the tough times!