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OCD - Lying dormant?

independentJar3699 October 2nd, 2015

For years, since I was about 6 until I was maybe 11, I had a terrible time with OCD symptoms. But no one really knew much about the disorder, I didn't know what it was, and everyone pretty much just thought I was a freak. I have never been diagnosed, I can only describe my feelings and habits and triggers that I have and a lot of them either fall under Seperation anxiety disorder or OCD. I also have panic attacks but I am managing them. I'm fourteen now, and the OCD symptoms have seemed to disappear?? I still have some of the thoughts but it's much much better than it used to be. Should I expect a flare up? Is this normal? The other two issues never went away and if anything, got kinda worse. Help? Thanks. -S

BlackbirdSing May 1st, 2016


It sounds like you've been working through a lot. Have you ever talked to a psyciatrist about what you've been going through? "Normal" is used to interchangeably now adays. Your problems are not unheard of, but considering they are disrupting your life, it's worth looking into treatment options. Good luck with everything.