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OCD & Related Behaviors Automated Taglist!
by tommy
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...See more Welcome to the OCD Taglist! This thread is an auto-updating list. The list is regularly updated by forum leaders and can be found below. Having issues? Reply below and someone will help you! Why should I join the taglist? ✔ Never miss out on sub-community check-ins, discussions or events  ✔ Get tagged and notified by community leaders whenever a new relevant thread has been posted ✔ Become a more active member of the community.  What do I need to do? ✅ To add yourself to this taglist, press the Post to Thread button below and write the exact words Please add me. ❌ To remove yourself from this taglist, press the Post to Thread button below and write the exact words Please remove me. ------------------------- Current taglist
Real Event OCD and Intrusive thoughts
by Feneis
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...See more Hello everyone,  For over a year now, I struggle with intrusive thoughts. However, I learnt to deal with for quite a long time I was doing quite well. Unfortunately, few days ago, some intrusive memories popped up. Since then, I'm thinking about it all the time. In the past, I did some very stupid and strange things for which I'm not proud of, almost feel disgusted by my actions....I can't understand why I did it (unfortunately it mixes with my intrusive thoughts). It feels like it wasn't me when did those things, I would never do this now.  I have the feeling that my past actions must mean something, that they define me now, that have to be this or that person etc. I'd love to forget it and be just my old self (when I haven't had these memories). It feels like the memories changed now everything about me :( 
idk just an unorganized vent
by ivoryDog4942
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August 7th
...See more a couple years ago I had a therapist who told me I have very mild ocd and supposedly but neurologist said that and i just forget. fast forward to now and i don’t beleive it. it gets worse whenever it falls out of my subconscious and into my stream of consciousness. i thought knowing my thoughts and writing them all down would help. now i have a page of all the reasons i hate myself and think im a bad person. my therapist only heard about my mild symptoms. if i could let myself keep a therapist maybe i could explain myself but the second id try talking things out, id go speechless and helpless. if i could share my thoughts, they’d only hurt worse. hearing the word ocd even in my head makes my intrusive thoughts worse. and even then i tell myself im faking or lying to myself. i keep trying to fix my self esteem but i need to stop hearing these thoughts first. but the idea of getting affirmed on if i do have ocd or not ( which i think i was told i have it unless that was another delusion, its complicated 😭) haunts me because it reminds me of my thoughts. i need to let it go because if i did telll someone out loud, they’d think i was crazy or tell me to stop listening to my bad thoughts. but now i feel like letters are unsafe and it’s just bad and okay and bad again on and on. i have things that trigger thinking about my intrusive thoughts (well listening to them) and the loop never ends. the thoughts keep forming into bigger monsters in my head and im not someone to share my thoughts unless im trauma dumping or over sharing so i never feel like i can tell anyone. then i also tell myself i dont have ocd because so many others have it and i just always tell myself im lying to myself. i used to repeatedly insult myself in my head.  anyways sorry for hopping from thoughts to thought- i guess this was a rant. and sorry for the poor grammar, i can do better but a few months ago i kind of just gave up on writing thanks for reading my vent/ rant idk what to call it
OCD on attachment to people
by Lillyskb
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June 28th
...See more This is an idea I am exploring. I have researched it and it seems that OCD can happen with relationships to people or things. I definitely do not have it in the traditional sense, but seem to have a pattern of very strong crushes that are all consuming. I have been married 20 years and in that time have had multiples of these crushes. They are often reciprocated but I have not ever been disloyal. It would be my worst nightmare. I adore my husband. I tend to put someone on a pedestal and obsess over them. It can last months or years. It is rather painful and all consuming for me. I'm not sure if this is even the right platform to get help for this but I thought I would give it a try.
Is it easy to ignore compulsions?
by b00kishbard
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May 29th
...See more I’ve been considering if I have OCD or not, and I do some things like touching something to make it feel “even”, or blinking really hard until I feel satisfied. I can ignore these feelings, and I don’t always have an intrusive thought that accompanies them. Is it still OCD behavior if I can try to ignore and not listen to these compulsions? Normally I just do it because it’s easier but I don’t NEED to do whatever it is. 
HOCD or Denial?
by bangtuyet
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May 8th
...See more I have been questioning my sexuality and whether or not I'm bisexual? I hate it. I have nothing against the lgbtq+ community, but the thought of me being anything other than straight disgusts me. Thoughts of kissing girls, being/dating a girl just keep popping up and it gives me anxiety and fears. I have never questioned my sexuality before. I was never attracted to girls. I look at girls with admiration, envies, and more, but never date or kiss them. But recently, it keeps popping in my head. I hate it so much! Almost enough to rather die than be anything but heterosexual. Does anyone know about this or experienced this before? Am I just being in denial? I honestly cannot live with the thoughts of being bisexual? Please help!
I think I may have ROCD
by poppi422
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April 7th
...See more I have been struggling a lot for awhile, and it gets worse with time. I have so many thoughts that run through my head all day and I have to seek out constant reassurance. On the flip side, if I am having intrusive thoughts that make me feel like a bad girlfriend the thoughts won’t go away until i repeatedly pinch myself or do something like that. I feel like I can’t even think because my thoughts are infested by these stupid lies and intrusive thoughts. Idk what to do. 
OCD spouses
by MariaRoma
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April 2nd
...See more Is there a group or thread for spuses/family members of those with OCD?
dealing with coincidences
by lightTalker6898
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March 4th
...See more i know being oversensitive to coincidences is a big part of OCD, so normally i try to watch out not to get sucked in. but within the last two weeks, i've been experiencing truly bizarre coincidences every single day and i'm starting to really freak out. the thing is, they're not related to my fears or anything, or they're not "bets" that i do with myself like "if x happens right now, then y is true". they're just little things, like something obscure that i haven't thought of in years randomly popping into my mind and then seeing it on my feed just a few minutes later, and similar stuff. i won't bore you with examples but it's something new literally every single day. and i try to rationalize it, think about how bizarre it really is to try to break it down, but some of them are truly inexplicable. anyway, long story short, does anyone have any advice on how to deal with coincidences when OCD is making me freak out about them? i keep trying to tell myself that "it's just coincidences, they don't mean anything", but the more they happen the harder it's getting for me to believe it.
Vent: Stuck in a Loop
by calypteanna
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February 29th
...See more I'm stuck. Frustrated and stuck. I feel like something is eating at me inside and I can't let it go, but I can't do anything with it, either. My mind is wrapped in an impossible loop, and I am at once addicted to it and loathe it at the same time. People have this type of relationship with substances, like alcohol and narcotics, but what if the "substance" is your own mind? If I try to ignore it, it nags and nags and nags, interrupts my focus and demands attention, like a craving. Sometimes I've imagined that obsession doesn't drive my behavior. That I'm actually exercising a willful control, deciding what to focus on and engage. If I put that energy to productive use, it's fine, right? It's not obsessive-compulsive anymore as long as it "serves a purpose." That is how I've tried to operate, and it doesn't work. I become a slave to some subconscious demand and my conscious will is just along for the ride, snapping this way and that like a rubber doll, blind to the next bend, having faith that if I am so moved to act and can't let go then it's for the good and important, even if it stops making sense. Because it's so powerful.  The way I naturally seem to operate... I wish it didn't get so messed up.
Experience(or lack thereof) with Relationship OCD, need pointers
by NegativeMagnet
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February 13th
...See more I was recently diagnosed with ASD and OCD, and I've never had a relationship before. My current partner is a longtime friend of mine(nearly a decade), and we've really hit it off. We're a lot alike, we can truly be ourselves without feeling the need to wear masks, and they're a joy to be around. My dilemma is an awkward combination... I'm overstimulated very easily by socializing - a few hours spent with them is exhaustive even though I have a great time. We message each other every day, and while I love hearing about their day and sharing mine with them, catching up on several lengthy messages is sometimes too much. I'm open and honest with these feelings, and they're incredibly patient and understanding with my disposition... but I feel incredibly guilty for having to cancel or space our hangouts apart by days so that I can "recharge." This leads into my OCD, in which twists this my brain to mean that I do not love my partner, that I dread spending time with them, and that I am stringing them along - all while using my lack of relationship experience and neurodivergence as ammunition. It's diabolical, and as much as I protest it and acknowledge it's the illness, I often cave and spiral at the mercy of my compulsions... incessantly Googling unhelpful, nebulous questions like "What does love feel like?", "How do I know if I'm in love?", "Do I really love my partner?", etc. As of writing this, I'm on the track to receiving the help I need, but it could take time. I feel this chipping away at me day by day, poisoning this newfound happiness. I shouldn't be feeling this way, I should be happy with my partner, spending time with them, living and being free. I want to be clear that I do not wish for reassurance, as from little I know about OCD, it isn't constructive and only feeds the illness. What I'd like, if anything, are any pointers or exercises for how to reroute/shut down these thoughts or avoid giving into the compulsions. Thank you so much for reading.
by MindonFire6
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January 25th
...See more Hello, friends. I am mindonfireocd Feel free to post ocd-related struggles that you are going through. I am here to help!
is this normal
by animekittygirl
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January 4th
...See more So baisically im not sure what to call these cuz im a undaignosed OCD person and im getting to grips if its OCD or not. Doing things mulitiple times and a certain amount of time because you think something bad is gonna happen to you or your family and then putting food into section cuz you cant have it mixed togther because otherwise i think im gonna choke and I have certain thoughts whilst cleaning and tiding up my desk because it needs to be in a certain order and in a certain may because otherwise i think something bad is gonna happen
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