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Churrito July 19th

Hey I need help or something. Maybe just a rant lol. I’m constantly suffering with SOOCD AND ROCD really bad the last few weeks and it’s been really bad with my partner. I’m constantly unsure if I want to be with him or not even tho I love him? But what if I’m just starting to love him as a friend? I’m so scared that that’s the case coz I don’t want it to be but it feels like no matter what I do I always end up thinking this way. I’m so scared. I constantly keep overthinking my sexuality recently even tho I know I’m not really that into girls? I’m kinda attracted to them but that’s about it. Not enough to want to sleep with one but I’m struggling so bad when I make eye contact with other girls coz I’m constantly checking my feelings and then I’m doing the same when I’m with my partner. Or when I’m with male friends I constantly think about what if I’m meant to be with someone else and I hate it. I feel so *** that I’m doing this to my partner and I hate that I feel like this. It’s making me really depressed.

AnnaTheArtist August 2nd

@Churrito Hey just found this post, I'm sorry this has been bothering you so much. How has it been going lately? 

I also have ROCD, and actually relate to pretty much everything you said! I don't want to be with anyone else, but sometimes I go over and over in my head if I even love my husband anymore. I also get anxious when I try to hang out with my friends because what if I actually become attracted to them instead? Like I said, very similar over here. 

It is so so frustrating. Hope you know you are not alone in this 💛 and hope its improving!!

neonWalker4246 September 9th


So sorry to hear you are struggeling with this, it's hard! <3
You are not alone in this, I recognize almost everything you say.
Hit me up if you wanna talk!