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Has anyone experienced this as a BFRB?

charmingHuman5049 September 29th, 2021

Hi everyone, I hope people are still chatting on here!

I've always had some repetitive habits and from about the age of 5 relating to neck tensing. My physio has suggested hypermobile joints and almost every major joint on my body can crack (ankle, wrists, hip, elbows, fingers, shoulder) I used to use it as a kind of gross party trick lol!

Earlier this year I had a big change in my life and was diagnosed with Tellogen Effluvium after losing a lot of weight in a short amount of time, my hair texture also changed in this period. With the stress of my situation and my anxious tendencies, I've since developed trichotillomania and will spend almost all day touching my hair and pulling out all of the rough bits. I've also noticed a big increase in the cracking of my joints, in the same way I feel the insane urge to touch my hair. I've since actually caused myself an injury where cracking my shoulder blade/back has caused nerve pain in my neck and ribcage. The only thing I've seen regarding BFRB's that aren't related to self-grooming behaviours is cracking your knuckles.

Does anyone have any good tips for managing with this? I spend a majority of my day studying now, so I'm constantly typing, and I don't think having something to fidget with would work, because I'll start to panic that I've stopped typing. Any help or suggestions would be amazing, my physio bills keep piling up!

TL;DR - I have trich, I also have cracky joints, cracky joints have become a repetitive behaviour and caused injury, I need help with some strategies to stop.

wonderfulRainbow817 October 6th, 2021

Hello @charmingHuman5049. I do not have BFRB so I cannot begin to understand what you are going through but I do know how painful joint pain can be. Often times in life we put smiles on our faces and act like everything is ok, but it is okay to admit to that pain. I am so glad you reached out because you are not alone in your journey. There are many others out there who are going through the same things you are. Hang in there!