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OCD & Related Behaviors Automated Taglist!
by tommy
Last post
1 day ago
...See more Welcome to the OCD Taglist! This thread is an auto-updating list. The list is regularly updated by forum leaders and can be found below. Having issues? Reply below and someone will help you! Why should I join the taglist? ✔ Never miss out on sub-community check-ins, discussions or events  ✔ Get tagged and notified by community leaders whenever a new relevant thread has been posted ✔ Become a more active member of the community.  What do I need to do? ✅ To add yourself to this taglist, press the Post to Thread button below and write the exact words Please add me. ❌ To remove yourself from this taglist, press the Post to Thread button below and write the exact words Please remove me. ------------------------- Current taglist
Peripheral Vision OCD
by Santiago09
Last post
18 hours ago
...See more I am currently suffering from peripheral vision ocd, it causes me to uncontrollably look at people with my peripheral vision. People who have experienced already want nothing to do with me. I have lost many friends due to this, and I have been really lonely lately. This has been consuming my life if anyone has any advice, I am all ears
Real Event OCD and Intrusive thoughts
by Feneis
Last post
19 hours ago
...See more Hello everyone,  For over a year now, I struggle with intrusive thoughts. However, I learnt to deal with for quite a long time I was doing quite well. Unfortunately, few days ago, some intrusive memories popped up. Since then, I'm thinking about it all the time. In the past, I did some very stupid and strange things for which I'm not proud of, almost feel disgusted by my actions....I can't understand why I did it (unfortunately it mixes with my intrusive thoughts). It feels like it wasn't me when did those things, I would never do this now.  I have the feeling that my past actions must mean something, that they define me now, that have to be this or that person etc. I'd love to forget it and be just my old self (when I haven't had these memories). It feels like the memories changed now everything about me :( 
OCD & Related Behaviors Automated Taglist!
by tommy
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1 day ago
...See more Welcome to the OCD Taglist! This thread is an auto-updating list. The list is regularly updated by forum leaders and can be found below. Having issues? Reply below and someone will help you! Why should I join the taglist? ✔ Never miss out on sub-community check-ins, discussions or events  ✔ Get tagged and notified by community leaders whenever a new relevant thread has been posted ✔ Become a more active member of the community.  What do I need to do? ✅ To add yourself to this taglist, press the Post to Thread button below and write the exact words Please add me. ❌ To remove yourself from this taglist, press the Post to Thread button below and write the exact words Please remove me. ------------------------- Current taglist
Problem not finded
by santhanu
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2 days ago
...See more I m feel un comfortable to everyone with talking I feel shy and can't make eye contact 
Learning that you have OCD
by reliablePark8851
Last post
3 days ago
...See more Hey you all I am new here! 23 Yr old just learned I have OCD on top of a Bipolar Depression Disorder and Mixed Anxiety/adjustment disorder. Has anyone else been in a space where it’s just a lot at once to learn about yourself? lol happy to have found a community where I can express myself and not be scared of judgement. Thank you for reading
by Churrito
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...See more Hey I need help or something. Maybe just a rant lol. I’m constantly suffering with SOOCD AND ROCD really bad the last few weeks and it’s been really bad with my partner. I’m constantly unsure if I want to be with him or not even tho I love him? But what if I’m just starting to love him as a friend? I’m so scared that that’s the case coz I don’t want it to be but it feels like no matter what I do I always end up thinking this way. I’m so scared. I constantly keep overthinking my sexuality recently even tho I know I’m not really that into girls? I’m kinda attracted to them but that’s about it. Not enough to want to sleep with one but I’m struggling so bad when I make eye contact with other girls coz I’m constantly checking my feelings and then I’m doing the same when I’m with my partner. Or when I’m with male friends I constantly think about what if I’m meant to be with someone else and I hate it. I feel so *** that I’m doing this to my partner and I hate that I feel like this. It’s making me really depressed.
How do you cope with having severe O.C.D. and children?
by DontMindTheBPD666
Last post
September 6th
...See more I have 4 kids, and I am always on edge and freaking out. I feel so much guilt for it, but for a little context I also have BPD. So I try so hard not to let it bother me, but I have a pretty severe case and it makes me physically sick when certain things aren't a certain way. Anyone else struggle with this? Any advice?
OCD vent
by animalsarecute45
Last post
September 1st
...See more Since getting better with ERP treatment, been getting much closer to my faith as a Christian. Though it sucks dealing with religious scrupulosity a part of my current OCD symptoms and dealing with social anxiety and loneliness due to my OCD over the years.
OCD support
by intellectualKite2066
Last post
August 20th
...See more Hi! Can anyone suggest any online free trials for therapy? I’m considering I might have OCD but I’m not sure. Can anyone point me to some resources?
I’m struggling today …
by versatilecat1977
Last post
August 13th
...See more i have a big problem with compulsive online shopping. For me, Temu is evil and triggering and predatory for people who struggle with this. I’ve definitely become addicted to it after thinking about past obsessed buying sprees that everyone else has always labeled as a manic spending spree and now my psych nurse says no, that sounds like OCD. So I’m on Luvox and I’m hopeful that it works because I’m struggling today with this whole situation, there’s other reasons why she thinks OCD. I’m really struggling with motivation and anxiety and I know in my heart I’m fine and I’m just stuck in my head but I’m stuck today and now I find out my bonus daughter is coming by with her new boyfriend and it doesn’t look like we’re getting a break from the 10yo bonus son this afternoon either so all my plans are gone in an instant and I’m lost. I don’t really know what to do with myself right now and it’s just not a good day in my head. I tried to talk with my boyfriend about this and he just didn’t really say anything other than he was sorry. I don’t know what I need right now but I know I need something. I’m just trying not to get myself all worked up about everything but it’s my brain waiting for a full psych evaluation next week and probably an actual diagnosis for ADHD too. I’m overwhelmed. I’m so stressed about this. I’m trying to research everything and I struggle so much. i just needed to vent I guess. I hope that I make some sense to someone. Maybe you have been where I am. Newly diagnosed but yet still not sure what is what and how to explain everything to the people in my life. It’s hard today. 🥺
unsure if i have OCD
by discreetLion8554
Last post
August 12th
...See more hi. so i have no idea if anyone will be able to help me with this but i don’t know what else to do. i want to know if i have OCD, i’ve spent a lot of time on different websites reading about it and it really sounds like me but the fact that there’s so many types makes it hard for me. anyway, i don’t know what to do with my suspensions, i’ve told my parents before but they didn’t really do anything. i’ve tried to find books on it but i don’t know how to get them without friends or family noticing. if anyone has any suggestions on what to do i would appreciate it so much.
idk just an unorganized vent
by ivoryDog4942
Last post
August 7th
...See more a couple years ago I had a therapist who told me I have very mild ocd and supposedly but neurologist said that and i just forget. fast forward to now and i don’t beleive it. it gets worse whenever it falls out of my subconscious and into my stream of consciousness. i thought knowing my thoughts and writing them all down would help. now i have a page of all the reasons i hate myself and think im a bad person. my therapist only heard about my mild symptoms. if i could let myself keep a therapist maybe i could explain myself but the second id try talking things out, id go speechless and helpless. if i could share my thoughts, they’d only hurt worse. hearing the word ocd even in my head makes my intrusive thoughts worse. and even then i tell myself im faking or lying to myself. i keep trying to fix my self esteem but i need to stop hearing these thoughts first. but the idea of getting affirmed on if i do have ocd or not ( which i think i was told i have it unless that was another delusion, its complicated 😭) haunts me because it reminds me of my thoughts. i need to let it go because if i did telll someone out loud, they’d think i was crazy or tell me to stop listening to my bad thoughts. but now i feel like letters are unsafe and it’s just bad and okay and bad again on and on. i have things that trigger thinking about my intrusive thoughts (well listening to them) and the loop never ends. the thoughts keep forming into bigger monsters in my head and im not someone to share my thoughts unless im trauma dumping or over sharing so i never feel like i can tell anyone. then i also tell myself i dont have ocd because so many others have it and i just always tell myself im lying to myself. i used to repeatedly insult myself in my head.  anyways sorry for hopping from thoughts to thought- i guess this was a rant. and sorry for the poor grammar, i can do better but a few months ago i kind of just gave up on writing thanks for reading my vent/ rant idk what to call it
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