I am a Pianist : Ask me Anything
Hey guys i hope everyone's doing well. I am sorry for not being able to post for sometimes due to my break.
So a little about me as a musician hehe. I started playing the keyboard(not your desktop keyboard :p ) since i was 6 and moved to piano when i was 10. I started giving Trinity london college of music exams for piano practicals and music theory and completed grade 7 for piano and grade 6 in music theory.
I'd be happy to share my knowledge if you ever wanted to know anything about music and of course meet other musicians. keep posting :)
a fun fact of the Piano : When the strings vibrate, they produce sound. On a piano, however, those vibrations are initiated by hammers hitting the strings rather than by plucking or by moving a bow across them. So, the piano also falls into the realm of percussion instruments.
@Aditya006 @AloneGhost @Angelwolf8930 @AnimalLover2006 @communicativePond1728 @DeLeeAh @GwydionRowan @ImpudentIncognito @lovingBraid9917 @PoliteOcean @sadcat13 @softForest4843 @SparkyGizmo @starryskies1236 @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @teenmorgan16
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@luckylistener that's awesome luckyyy maybe "River flows in you" - Yiruma
what's your most played song on piano?