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tommy profile picture
Music & Dance Automated Taglist!
by tommy
Last post
December 7th, 2024
...See more Welcome to the Music & Dance Taglist This thread is an auto-updating list. The list is regularly updated by forum leaders and can be found below. Having issues? Reply below and someone will help you! Why should I join the taglist? ✔ Never miss out on sub-community check-ins, discussions or events ✔ Get tagged and notified by community leaders whenever a new relevant thread has been posted ✔ Become a more active member of the community. What do I need to do? ✅ To add yourself to this taglist, press the Post to Thread button below and write the exact words Please add me. ❌ To remove yourself from this taglist, press the Post to Thread button below and write the exact words Please remove me. ------------------------- Current taglist as of 20th June 24 (updated by @bluerivercares) @Aditya006 @Akeri @AloneGhost @Angelwolf8930 @AnimalLover2006 @AquaNyo303 @BelovedMe @BlueMangocat5071 @communicativePond1728 @daydreammemories @DeLeeAh @Elephi @FleurdeNeige @GentleHealingInitiative @GwydionRowan @helpfulBunny6682 @iloveyouxx @Imel3nii @ImpudentIncognito @kindhearted5345 @lovingBraid9917 @naturalBraid8810 @NightingaleListens @novoephemera @OPrimaDonna @PoliteOcean @RedHawk6547 @RIver9852 @sadcat13 @Sakii007 @shadowGREYYSON @Snowy00 @softForest4843 @SparkyGizmo @StarrySkies1236 @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @tommy @WeEarth @weppy9232 @wishfulForest1871
BlueRivercares profile picture
Help Wanted: Music & Dance subcommunity
by BlueRivercares
Last post
January 6th, 2024
...See more Music & dance team is looking for both teen and adult listeners and members to join our team! Regardless of whether you prefer the forums or chatrooms, there is a role available for you and we'd love to have you. It is okay you guys don’t have to sing, dance or play for us 😉.  What is most important for us, is your willingness to be part of a team and actively participate in the community.  (All text in blue are clickable) Roles if you like the forums : Community Mentor (Teen Community Star) Role Description: You’re a good fit for the Community Mentor/Teen Star role if you’re passionate about growing and developing a certain community. You’ll be responsible for overseeing the activity and safety in your chosen area and you’ll work closely with the Community Mentor Leader, Forum Supporters and Project Agents to bring supportive posts and events daily.  Requirements: ■ Age 15 or older ■ Verified Listener Badge (Applicable to listeners only) ■ One month as a Forum Supporter ■ 50+ chats ■ 50+ forum posts ■ 50+ forum upvotes ■ Provide links to 3 recent forum threads written in the last month by you ■ Apply here! [] Quota : 10 posts per month ------------------------------------------------- Forum Supporter Role Description: A forum supporter is a leader who focuses on 1-3 communities and maintains engagement in the forums by posting and replying to threads with compassion and support.  Requirements for members: ■ 25+ forum upvotes ■ 25+ forum posts ■ Make 10+ forum posts per month ■ Taken the Member Oath [] Requirements for listeners: ■ Verified Listener ■ 25+ forum upvotes ■ 25+ forum posts ■ Make 10+ forum posts per month ■ Taken the Listener Community Guide [] & Listener Oath ■ Click here [] to apply! Quota : 10 posts per month ------------------------------------------------- Roles if you like chatrooms : Chatroom Moderator (Listeners Only) Role Description: As a moderator in the group support room, you will be creating and maintaining a supportive and positive community culture in the member chatrooms. Requirements: ■ 25+ group chats ■ 2000+ cheers ■ 4 or higher overall star rating on Listener profile ■ 3+ written reviews ■ Have  Verified Listener Badge [] and Graduate Badge ■ No behavior reports in the past 3 months ■ Been a Listener for at least 6 weeks ■ Been a Room Supporter for at least 2 weeks ■ Click here [] to apply! Quota : 100 messages in the group chat and 2 sessions per month ------------------------------------------------- Room Supporter (Members) Role Description: A member leader who creates the desired environment they feel comfortable in and make the room more welcoming for both members and listeners. Responsibilities: ■ To take part in community building with members, listener room supporters, and moderators of the room. ■ To create a kind, compassionate, and supportive environment in group support ■ To support members in the room through active listening skills adjusted for a group support setting ■ To communicate with the rest of the support team ■ To offer feedback and suggestions to team leaders Requirements: ■ Friendly Face Badge ■ Been a member for at least 4 weeks ■ Have completed the Compassion Course ■ Click here [] to apply! ------------------------------------------------- Room Supporter (Listeners) Role Description: A room supporter is a listener who has been trained to support members in a group support setting and is integrated into the support team. Responsibilities: ■ To take part in community building with members, listener room supporters, and moderators of the room. ■ To create a kind, compassionate, and supportive environment in group support ■ To support members in the room through active listening skills adjusted for a group support setting ■ To communicate with the rest of the support team ■ To offer feedback and suggestions to team leaders Responsibilities: ■ Listener in the community for 4+ weeks ■ 1 written review + star rating of at least 3 ■ Be willing to send at least 50+  messages per month in your chosen group support room ■ Click here [] to apply! Quota : 50 messages in the group chat and 2 sessions per month ------------------------- If you have any questions about what these roles look like in music and dance, please feel free to reach out to me @Bluerivercares []
passionatePeacock7580 profile picture
My Journey into music 🎶
by passionatePeacock7580
Last post
1 day ago
...See more Dear music lover, I hope that you too feel connected to music. I'm a musician myself. You'll be surprised to hear the story of why I became a musician.  I have been fascinated by the song oru murai vandhu parthaya in manichitrathazh, in Malayalam language that released 3 decades ago. Its very mesmerizing the lyrics and music. When I was a child my parents and I were going thru the countryside of tamilnadu and my father was listening to flute music. Upon recognition of the song that was playing I told my mother isn't this the same tune from that manichitrathazh song. She said yes. The song was struck in my mind.  I researched and found that its kundalavarali ragam. I had the fascination to learn to play flute but never got the motivation. And then life moved on even though the fascination of flute music was struck to the back of my mind.  5 years ago, i had a good friend called Sanjay who unfortunately passed away in an accident. Our friends group were really shocked. We had a rememberance meeting for him and during that someone said that we shouldn't have an unfulfilled desire. If we desire something we should fulfill it at the earliest.  That was an eye opener for me and I went and joined music class the very next day. I've been playing flute for the last 5 years now 🙏 I hope to play kundalavarali ragam very soon. 
reservedLemon3164 profile picture
Someone who plays in an orchestra here?
by reservedLemon3164
Last post
December 12th, 2024
...See more Hii, i'm Frances and i play the flute. I am also a part of an orchestra (mostly strings plus me and two clarinets) and i wanted to ask, what are your favourite little things about playing in an orchestra? Mine is the little clap that our conductor gives us after we finish a concert before she turns to the audience and bows. And one more - the bond formed between musicians who make silly faces at each other during rehearsals (aka me and the drums guy)
UrL0c4lDis4pp0intm3nt profile picture
Anybody a band kid?
by UrL0c4lDis4pp0intm3nt
Last post
September 28th, 2024
...See more If you were or are in band I would love to hear about your experiences. I'm just joining band for the second time bc I quit the first time lol. Anyway I wanna hear about your experience:)
shualikelemons17 profile picture
whats instruments do you play?
by shualikelemons17
Last post
April 15th, 2024
...See more i'm learning and playing violin for 4 years!
Elephi profile picture
Bansuri & Tabla
by Elephi
Last post
April 7th, 2024
...See more Do you like bansuri flute or tabla drums from India? Share your favorite performance or song! @Aditya006 @Akeri @AloneGhost @Angelwolf8930 @AnimalLover2006 @BlueMangocat5071 @communicativePond1728 @daydreammemories @DeLeeAh @Elephi @FleurdeNeige @grimsmark8 @GwydionRowan @helpfulBunny6682 @iloveyouxx @ImpudentIncognito @kindhearted5345 @lovingBraid9917 @novoephemera @PoliteOcean @RIver9852 @sadcat13 @Sakii007 @Snowy00 @softForest4843 @SparkyGizmo @StarrySkies1236 @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @tommy @warmheartedgreyyson @WeEarth @weppy9232 @SensitiveMortalM Click HERE [] to be added/removed from the community taglist
here4eachother profile picture
Playing an instrument as a hobby
by here4eachother
Last post
March 27th, 2024
...See more Hey everyone! I play the Double Bass (Classical) as a hobby. I started in 2017 and have been going for lessons with a professional player for the past 6 years. Since last year I've started playing at concerts every once in a while and loved it. I love my Double Bass so much. Like, SO MUCH. It brings me so much joy and gives me hope. I cannot imagine my life without this beautiful instrument. Finding time to practice every day remains an ongoing challenge, especially as an adult with all the responsibilities that come with being one. It's also been great for my mental health, as it is a healthy distraction. I'd LOVE to hear from any of you who play an instrument. Whether you used to play, have managed to keep playing over the years or are looking to take up an instrument as a hobby in the near future, I'd love to hear from all of you!
BlueRivercares profile picture
I am a Pianist : Ask me Anything
by BlueRivercares
Last post
January 28th, 2024
...See more Hey guys i hope everyone's doing well. I am sorry for not being able to post for sometimes due to my break. So a little about me as a musician hehe. I started playing the keyboard(not your desktop keyboard :p ) since i was 6 and moved to piano when i was 10. I started giving Trinity london college of music exams for piano practicals and music theory and completed grade 7 for piano and grade 6 in music theory. I'd be happy to share my knowledge if you ever wanted to know anything about music and of course meet other musicians. keep posting  :) a fun fact of the Piano : When the strings vibrate, they produce sound. On a piano, however, those vibrations are initiated by hammers hitting the strings rather than by plucking or by moving a bow across them. So, the piano also falls into the realm of percussion instruments. ------------------------- taglist  @Aditya006 @AloneGhost @Angelwolf8930 @AnimalLover2006 @communicativePond1728 @DeLeeAh @GwydionRowan @ImpudentIncognito @lovingBraid9917 @PoliteOcean @sadcat13 @softForest4843 @SparkyGizmo @starryskies1236 @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @teenmorgan16 Click HERE [] to be added/removed from the community taglist
AvyIsKing profile picture
by AvyIsKing
Last post
January 16th, 2024
...See more Okay so  If you know then skip the next blob, If you don't then read it xD Basically I auditioned for a crazy band thing on Saturday. It was insane, about 400 kids auditioned for my instrument alone. Most of those kids were classically trained and they had like privates and all this insane it was crazy!!! I did my best. Anyway that day I got a notification that I didn't make it in, but I got first alternate, basically if someone can't go, I go.  I'm too lazy to tell people 203938283848483 times. But yk, it's news. So anyway, my director messaged me today, they messed up the scoring. They confused me with another kid. TW caps - YALL I GOT IN!!!!!!! Which is crazy because I came just like off a 6 month break and I'm just me and I barely played last year because of my mental health but I did it. Because I got into all east I might be able to go to all state 😁😁😁😁😁 Tagging everyone : @tinywhisper11 @darkerplaces @lovemymoonflowers @teenmorgan16 @iamaubrey @communitymodiris like idek how to process this yall 
Bananamilkke profile picture
finished music sheets
by Bananamilkke
Last post
October 26th, 2023
...See more I like creating music sheets for songs I love, I do use tutorials though and I may post them here. They are not my own songs or notes, Im just making a tutorial of the song become a music sheet for me to learn :) these are all in piano btw
lituratesweets profile picture
by lituratesweets
Last post
April 23rd, 2023
...See more So I’ve been getting into the ukelele as my school offers me one as an extracurricular. Now I’m not the best with my hands and I can’t tune by ear for some reason, even though I can play piano by ear (confuses me so much) but other then that it’s going okay for someone that doesn’t have a teacher. Ive been trying to learn Worldstar money by Joji,, as it has a sorta repeating pattern and kinda easy chords from what I’ve learned of it so far. i have to use TABS solely because I get upset, frustrated, and distracted when I watch videos of others. the video is mirrored so I have to reverse the action their doing in my mind, plus it will move on assuming you got what it said down instead of pausing for help like I need sometimes. and I’m probably too stubborn for a teacher anyways,, uh,, I’d like to hear other peoples experiences with the ukelele (please share anything you think of that doesn’t break rules. I AM interested and I WILL read it. If not me then others. Love y’all stay safe,, drink water take breaks,,)
comfortableNight4463 profile picture
What instrument do you play?
by comfortableNight4463
Last post
January 12th, 2023
...See more What instrument do you play and how did u decide to pick up learning it?
NicoletteToretto11 profile picture
Learning Piano
by NicoletteToretto11
Last post
January 9th, 2023
...See more I'm learning piano. Does anyone have song suggestions?

Music & Dance

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