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End of orchestral season

reservedLemon3164 June 30th, 2023

Hi! As my school year ends, so does the performance season of my orchestra and i thought wouldn't it be funny to make a list of all the strange stuff i've done over the ten months? So here it is

-stabbed my music stand partner in the ribs with my flute (twice. he wasn't happy about it.)

-got stabbed in the ribs by my music stand partner's flute

-changed from casual outfit into performance dress in the public restrooms in metro. (two times. had to pay for it. wouldn't reccomend.)

-broke a music stand (four times. got yelled at 3/4 times.)

-took off high heels mid-performance because my feet were dying and then proceeded to forget the shoes on stage

-went grocery shopping ten minutes before a concert in full stage make up and dress because i was hungry (many times. got a lot of weird looks.)

-ran late into rehearsal because i went swimming, proceeded to hang my swimsuit on my chair for it to dry

-cried in an empty church after our biggest concert of the season was done

...and many, many more.

purplelady568 July 2nd, 2023

@reservedLemon3164- It sounds like you love music, that you spend many hours practicing, and that you have some funny stories to tell! Thank you for sharing those experiences, both good and bad, with us.

I'm sorry you were sad about the season ending.

When does it begin again? September, maybe?

reservedLemon3164 OP July 2nd, 2023

Thank you for such kind words! I indeed do love music, i've been in the industry for over eight years now.

The end of the season was truly a sad thing, not the reason i cried though (that day was mid-season and one of the most intense days ever and i just needed to release my emotions).

Next season begins in September with first concert being 28th of September and the next one 28th of October. I am really looking forward to it!

purplelady568 July 2nd, 2023

@reservedLemon3164- Aww, sorry you were sad that day. But sometimes it is good to release all those emotions, and begin to move forward. I hope you have a fabulous new season, beginning in September!

WavesandSea July 2nd, 2023

As a forever audience, I look forward to the next season as well. Hope you have a great time until September.

reservedLemon3164 OP July 3rd, 2023

Forever audience is such a nice way to phrase it! I love that. Hope you have a great time as well, it is always nice to see that not everyone in the audience is asleep :) 🧡