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Uplifting quotes & Inspiring Thoughts

Eugene March 22nd, 2014

I hope you can help me add uplifting and inspiring quotes here.

Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today.
― Thích Nhất Hạnh, Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life


Axerxus September 2nd, 2015

Time is a precious commodity. Give it to those who will treasure it and spend bit wisely, lest you lend it to someone who will waste it.

Littleowl114 September 2nd, 2015

Don't judge, you don't know what I storm I asked her to go through- God

resourcefulSquare5293 September 2nd, 2015

So young

so damaged

Chromium September 2nd, 2015

Mmm, I'm telling you now, the greatest thing you ever can do now, is trade a smile with someone who's blue now, it's very easy - Led Zeppelin "friends"

Feelingalonealways September 2nd, 2015

I write quotes, jusr to let out my pain or anger or whatever emotion really, its such a good way to get everything out without anyone knowing! Its amazing, i love the one you put!

DaniellaDarkFlame September 2nd, 2015

When in doubt eat food!!!

DaniellaDarkFlame September 2nd, 2015

Don't try to fix me I'm not broken

~ evanescence

our fears are the things that make us stronger

-Maka albarn

Thisisme4 September 2nd, 2015

To see the rainbow you have to be prepared to sit through the rain.

MidniteAngel September 2nd, 2015

intellectualpond1493 September 2nd, 2015

No need to be the best to be perfect

Celaeno September 2nd, 2015

"I think illness and deep illness may force one to think, even if one hasnt been a thinking person before. And perhaps force one to think in the terms … of metaphor, of the imagination, of myth.

— Oliver Sacks on Fresh Air in 1985

MidniteAngel September 3rd, 2015


A beautiful quote - I <3 it

Serenadreamsall September 2nd, 2015

You gotta do what you gotta do.

Beoriginallybeautiful September 2nd, 2015

Depression is an everyday battle. It is our choice what we do with it.

- Me heart

Thisisme4 September 3rd, 2015

Hakuna matata

Raylen September 3rd, 2015

Pain is real, but so is hope ❤

Melanie2112 September 3rd, 2015

"Allow yourself to be where you are"

braveSugar September 3rd, 2015

Everything gets better when I stare at your eyes.

Feelyourthoughts September 3rd, 2015

"Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare. " - Japanese proverb

Feelyourthoughts September 3rd, 2015

"Be weird. Be random. Be who you are. Because you never know who would love the person you hide."

communicativeKiwi8917 September 3rd, 2015

Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would end, I would still plant my apple tree. Martin Luther

scarletWatermelon9388 September 3rd, 2015

The greater your storm the brighter your rainbow

Feelyourthoughts September 4th, 2015

"You've got galaxies in your eyes and a world in your heart. Your dreams, emotions and fears are valid, and you are more than capable of attaining your goals, just devote your mind to it. "

wrote this myself :)

turquoiseAcres7210 September 5th, 2015

"When faced with any difficulty of life, resolve it by following these four steps: face it, accept it, deal with it, and then let it go."

~~ Master Sheng Yen

Caseynicole95 September 5th, 2015

We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.

-Randy Pausch-

humorousPanda1060 September 5th, 2015

Breathe. You're going to be okay. Breathe and remember that you've been in this place before, you've been this uncomfortable and anxious and scared, and you survived. Breathe and know that you can survive this too. These feelings can't break you. They're painful and debilitating but you can sit with them and eventually they will pass, maybe not immediately but sometime soon they are going to fade and when they do you'll look back at this moment and laugh for having doubted your resistance. I know it feels unbearable now but keep breathing again and again. This will pass. I promise it will pass.

impartialMango23 September 5th, 2015

Wow, thank you so much. I just woke up and had really bad anxiety for today.

This quote helped me to calm down a little heart

Kalx September 10th, 2015

this is the quote that explains me the most. Thank you.

Feelyourthoughts September 5th, 2015

"It's not what you are that holds you back. It's what you think you are not." - denis waitley

kirawilliams September 6th, 2015

"It is what I was born with, eyes that have only seen the wonder in everything! Eyes that see lights in the trees and magic in the air. This wonder is what I put into the world, and what I protect in children."

-North (Rise of the Guardians)

This doesn't seem like an inspiring quote, but it is to me.

DanielB September 6th, 2015

"Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end."

Depression sucks. Yeah, it really does. However, just because you've got something about you that might never go away, doesn't mean you have to pressure yourself into finding the quickest way to numb the pain. Sometimes, what you want isn't what you need, and you need to remember that life is about pain and happiness running like rivers through it. Stop stressing about how long you have until you reach your breaking point, and start focusing on how long you have until you reach a better self.

LiveOn September 6th, 2015

The game of life is hard. The results might not be what you had hoped. It hurts and makes you feel like shit. It brings you down on some days and completely drains you of energy. It kills you inside slowly, it deteriorates your soul. Though, as long as you stay strong and keep your chin held high, no one can ever bring you down. For every bad thing that happens later on something good will balance it out. Everything will balance in the end just like how the world thrives on balance. This game of life that we play is the most hardest game of all. You might want to give up and never play it again. However, you only have just fallen into a hole. A hole has an exit, a way out of the darkness. You may think that you are lost and done for, but as long as you do not give up you can escape. Stand back up, find salvation, find that helping hand. Hell if it's a spiders string take it and hold on to it. Climb out with all your might, use your failures and misteps as fuel for your ambitions. If you can find the string, follow the light. Even if it doesn't seem like there is one, look around. There is always light, you just have to find it, but once you do... follow it. You are a strong person, I believe in you. As long as you continue moving forward, smiling with your chin held high then no man can ever bring you down. The game of life is a harsh and scary game but at the same time it is fun, thrilling and worth it.

StarryNightR September 6th, 2015

"Always shoot for the moon and even if you miss you'll be among the stars"

- Les Brown

StarryNightR September 6th, 2015

"Don't let someone elses opinion of you become your reality"

ESTORM September 6th, 2015

"Some people will never ‘get you. Do not spend eternity asking why. People will see you differently, just cherish those who lift your soul."

ESTORM September 6th, 2015


ESTORM September 6th, 2015

"Once you

ESTORM September 6th, 2015

"Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behavior. Keep your behavior positive because your behavior becomes your habits. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny."

ESTORM September 6th, 2015

"Please know that there are much better things in life than being lonely or liked or bitter or mean or self conscious. We are all full of shit. Go love someone just because, I know your heart may be badly bruised, or even the victim of numerous knifings but it will always heal even if you don

MidniteAngel September 7th, 2015