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Uplifting quotes & Inspiring Thoughts

Eugene March 22nd, 2014

I hope you can help me add uplifting and inspiring quotes here.

Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today.
― Thích Nhất Hạnh, Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life


pluckyStrawberries3154 August 17th, 2015

"🌱Never let the things you want, make you forget the things you have"🌷

Number6 August 25th, 2015

I. Love. This.

wolfgirl404 August 17th, 2015

Depression is like a war. You either win or die tying.

thoughtfulLand9484 August 17th, 2015

iCallMyCarSandra525 August 17th, 2015

Psalm 30:5

cloudsofwind August 17th, 2015

for every cloudy day theres a cozy scarf to be bundled in, and everytime it snows there's cocoa to be made.

toyourheartscontent August 17th, 2015

Love yourself so no one has to ♡

iwillbefine August 17th, 2015

We are thought to love ourselves by the people around us. We are thought to see the the world, life and other humen from our experiences. How we see ourselves and feel about ourselves is soo deeply ingraved in our mind that it takes allot of hard work and great people and positive people to make the negative feelings fade away .

Mmmmkay August 17th, 2015

Fight it, take the pain, ignite it,
Tie a noose around your mind loose enough to breathe fine and tie it,
To a tree, tell it, "You belong to me,
This ain't a noose, this is a leash,
And I have news for you, you must obey me."
TheseBrokenWings August 17th, 2015

:) love the song

Mmmmkay August 17th, 2015

I know, every time I hear these lyrics I just take a deep breath and realize I have control over my brain and I can choose how to respond to my twisted thoughts😌

Shanelle August 17th, 2015

Courage is our deepest fears, heroism is facing them again and again and again

TheseBrokenWings August 17th, 2015

One must face the darkness in order to appreciate the light.

YourAmazonSister August 17th, 2015

Take heart and move onward.

wittyNectarine4777 August 18th, 2015

Tomorrow is always better than yesterday.

5sosftw August 18th, 2015

Life is like an arrow. An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backwards. So if life is pulling you back with difficulties, it only means it'll shoot you forward into something great. So hold your head high, and keep fighting.

Karenthomson August 18th, 2015

Tough times don't last tough people do

pluckyStrawberries3154 August 18th, 2015

"Entire water of the sea can't sink a ship unless it gets inside it....🚢

Similarly, negativity of the world🎃 cant put u down unless u allow it to get inside u."🎈

pluckyStrawberries3154 August 18th, 2015

The reason the see-saw has 2 seats because, that way...... There is always someone to bring u up when u go down🏆🚸

uprisewise August 18th, 2015

Say this to yourself;

"I'm not what I have done, I'm what I have overcome."

unbroken6275 August 19th, 2015

If you feel hopeless try saying this to yourself: "You'll never know if you end it now or don't try".

mariamxoxo August 19th, 2015

wake up every day and tell yourself that you deserve to be happy! a bad day is just another day out of the many days you'll back at and be thankful that you've survived!!

neatWest2110 August 20th, 2015


cloudsofwind August 19th, 2015

Love others as you love yourself, and love yourself kindly. For then from your love you teach others to be as you are, and they will in that learn to love the world from you.

xogeoxo August 19th, 2015

"Being bad at something is the first step to being sorta good at something."

UnderTheSilverMoon August 19th, 2015

Sometimes you have to get knocked down lower than you've ever been, to stand up taller than you ever were.

limeLemon3470 August 19th, 2015

"To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders."

- Lao Tzu

August 19th, 2015

"Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate"

Overcame August 19th, 2015

Never give up, keep trying, because you can't fail forever

dlewis August 19th, 2015

The people brightest minds are the ones who have overcome the most adversity.

Goodgirl4life August 20th, 2015

Even when you can't imagine how, hiw you're ever gonna find your way out, even when you're drowning in your doubt, just look beyond the clouds. The sun is rising.

Jitendra114 August 20th, 2015

Yes you are true

GentleLion19 August 20th, 2015

Totally going to make a sunrise painting and put those words over it

GentleLion19 August 25th, 2015

I just want to throw on here that since i read this it's what i think about to get me through the day. i tell people this quote all the time now, and it's changing things in the best way

Jackiexpham August 20th, 2015

It's a bad day not a bad life

LordJenthulu August 20th, 2015

One inspiring quote that helps with my anxiety is "the only thing to fear, is fear itself"

Celaeno August 20th, 2015

"Don't worry if you're making waves simply by being yourself. The moon does it all the time."

- Scott Stabile

cloudsofwind August 21st, 2015

This probably my new favourite quote ever

Celaeno August 21st, 2015

I'm glad you like it, @cloudsofwind ^^ I myself find this quote extremely comforting.

Celaeno August 20th, 2015

Also a motto I found thanks to @AdVictoriam 's lovely bio:

Unbent, unbowed, unbroken.