Uplifting quotes & Inspiring Thoughts
I hope you can help me add uplifting and inspiring quotes here.
Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today.
― Thích Nhất Hạnh, Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life
I once read in a comment on youtube that if you are sad or angry at something, just think that would it matter in the next five years? If not, then be happy.
“Some of the most comforting words in the universe are ‘me too.’ That moment when you find out that your struggle is also someone else’s struggle, that you’re not alone, and that others have been down the same road.”
– Unknown
It's a process, not perfection." - Kati Morton
At the end of the day, we can endure much more than we think we can - Frida Kahlo
Always remember, that life is bigger than the boxes we check along the way.
It's okay to fall down and lose your spark. Just make sure that when you get back up, you rise as the whole damn fire.
Don't forget I care about you and I'm proud of you!
That's very true indeed. Hope also gives us the motivation to bear and fight hardships and difficulties.
Dead people receive more flowers than the living ones because regret is stronger than gratitude-- Anne Frank
“The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.”
— Michael Altshuler
Unfortunately, I can't eject