Uplifting quotes & Inspiring Thoughts
I hope you can help me add uplifting and inspiring quotes here.
Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today.
― Thích Nhất Hạnh, Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life
"There's no such thing as being lucky, you have to make your own luck in this world" - Wildboy
And tomorrow, the sun will rise
Amazing Quotes on this thread, i refer it for my everyday motivation
Happiness doesn't come from destination ,it's in the journey we do, happiness lies in between.
"You never know the true meaning of strength, until strong is all you can be"
@grace2021 ♥️♥️ love this
Sometimes, in order for us to heal and help ourselves through a confrontational or emotionally painful event... we need to really feel it first. Think about it... remember the last time you had a good cry? And how good you felt when you were done?
Remember that emotional health is not the experience of being perpetually calm and happy all the time. It is the experience of allowing a range of emotions, both good and bad, and not getting too stuck on either one. Similarly, mental health and self-mastery is the ability to see, feel and experience a thought without responding to it. The response, or lack thereof, is the control zone.. it's where we acquire our inner power and in some cases... reclaim our lives.
You were not born to be perfect. You were not born to be happy all of the time. But if you can commit each day to doing the work of being fully human, feeling even when you are afraid, you can transcend in a way that is truly beautiful.
Be kind to yourself!
~~~ Roxy Fantastic
No I dont feel I'm being friends with
Without falling down, you can't rise up.
"Every story has a happy ending, if you're not happy, it's not you're end." A quote from a dove chocolate wrapper
Two things define you; your patience when you have nothing, your attitude when you have everything