Uplifting quotes & Inspiring Thoughts
I hope you can help me add uplifting and inspiring quotes here.
Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today.
― Thích Nhất Hạnh, Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life
?Be comforted, dear soul! There is always light behind the clouds.?
― Louisa May Alcott, Little Women
??Though nobody can go back and make a new beginning... Anyone can start over and make a new ending.?
― Chico Xavier
?Life is choosing whom and what you love. Everything else follows.?
― Todd Johnson
?You will never know what you are doing until and unless you have done it.?
― Santosh Kalwar
?Our eyes tell us what we want to believe, but our heart tells us only the simple truth?
― Karla M. Nashar, Bellamore A Beautiful Love To Remember
?Depression exist without you knowing it, even denying it. It is not an illusion. You don't even know you're in it. It takes awhile before you realize it. If you deny it, it means your still in there or else you won't talk about your misery and the dramas in your life.?
― Ann Marie Aguilar
?I won't cry because it came to an end, but I will smile because it happened?
― Karla M. Nashar, Bellamore A Beautiful Love To Remember
?Fall in love.. that is fine, but just make sure you fall deep enough to stay there forever.?
― Ram Mohan
?Every game is winnable if you change your mind about what the prize should be and your perspective about the players at the table.?
― Shannon L. Alder
?Life is just mirrors and misunderstandings.?
― Caedem Marquez