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How do you find motivation?

User Profile: CatWhisperer
CatWhisperer April 12th, 2016

Hello everyone!

I wanted to create a thread where we could all help one another. Sometimes we often find ourselves in situations where we have a lack of motivation to do anything and it isn't always the best feeling. So what makes you motivated? :)

User Profile: Izzeyh
Izzeyh April 12th, 2016

@CatWhisperer I find listening to music, or watching videos of people achieving things motivating. If they can do it, so can I.

User Profile: Yourfairygodbro
Yourfairygodbro April 13th, 2016

What makes me motivated is one of my best friends. She's known me for years, she's known me when I was more ignorant and even back then, she'd made me feel like I wasn't hopeless. I want to be the kind of person that can make people feel like they're understood and accepted.

My ex also motivates me because although it didn't work out, he's still a great person because he was kind enough to help me even when my BPD was really messed up. If you have BPD then you know that that's not easy... It's hard to have a stable relationship with someone you think is cheating every other day even though they're not. He was patient and he was super nice so basically anyone would probably think he's attractive. He would be able to explain things in detail and convince me why I was wrong properly without cursing me out or getting mad like I know my mom would. He would be able to actually be persuasive on why it's worth it to be healthy. I want to be like him when it comes to those qualities.

User Profile: LonelyShinobi
LonelyShinobi April 29th, 2016

A lot of the times whenever I am trying something new, I'll do my best to try and keep an open mind. See both sides of the good and bad about it, from an unbiased state. I still remember the first time I went ziplinging, was throwing myself off a platform about 120ft in the air while connected to a metal cable with a ball and wheels attached. Just decided to tell myself "F**k it" and did it, remembering that first moment has made me a bit more... Craving of trying more adrenaline oriented things, but... That can also be seen as reckless, because I probably would have done it still if there were no safeties. I also usually listen to a lot of music, it keeps my blood flowing and makes my anger soothed and willing to be put into use productively.

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User Profile: LonelyShinobi
LonelyShinobi April 29th, 2016


EDIT: I also usually listen to a lot of music, it keeps my blood flowing and makes my anger soothed and willing to be put into use productively.

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User Profile: Emily619
Emily619 May 30th, 2018


Fixed your edit!

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User Profile: NotoriousPlebeian
NotoriousPlebeian April 29th, 2016

I love watching interviews of UFC fighter Conor McGregor. Say what you want about the guy but one thing he doesn't lack is confidence and it shows. The guys knows what he wants out of life and he knows how he's going to get it. That type of confidence and determination just rubs of you when you listen to him speak. Any time I'm lack some motivation or having a slow day, I'll watch a couple of interviews and then I feel I'm ready to slay a dragon.

User Profile: Emily619
Emily619 May 30th, 2018

Just a bump that I've relocated this to a more suitable location - to the Motivation and Self Help Community!