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Proud of myself because

User Profile: LittleLovely
LittleLovely May 12th, 2015

i am proud of myself because over the last few months i have turned from a bad attitude with no goals person to a lovely friendler person with life goals and i feel happier, i aim to achieve as much as i can in life now, starting with the job interview i have just attended, wish me luck!!

User Profile: Magslovesbands
Magslovesbands May 12th, 2015

I'm proud of myself because I have improved my grades and kept them above Cs all semester.

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User Profile: bethdoeslife
bethdoeslife May 12th, 2015

That's great! Well donecheeky Keep up the hard workwink

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User Profile: bethdoeslife
bethdoeslife May 12th, 2015

Good luck!!!!

User Profile: bethdoeslife
bethdoeslife May 12th, 2015


User Profile: DianaPrince
DianaPrince May 12th, 2015

Ive lost 5kg:) aiming to lose another 10kg, I'm feeling motivated & proud xoxo

User Profile: melanie17
melanie17 May 12th, 2015

I'm proud of me, because I won a competition and I go to higher round. i go compete with kids from all republic.

User Profile: pinkTree
pinkTree May 12th, 2015

I am proud of myself because I haven't cut in almost month

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User Profile: reservedTiger8946
reservedTiger8946 May 12th, 2015

Well done!!! Good on you!😃😃😃

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User Profile: affectionateDime175
affectionateDime175 May 12th, 2015

I'm proud of myself because I received a job offer today! There's a position that I want more than this one, but I will hopefully hear back from them this week. I'll be making a decision to take or forgo the offer on Friday.

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User Profile: alexaners7734
alexaners7734 June 9th, 2015

~~im able to graduate on june 18th and say good bye to school.

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User Profile: Irowlie
Irowlie May 12th, 2015

I am proud of myself because I helped a homeless man and bought him some food and it made my day saying his reaction. When I spoke to him a few hours after he said he was having a shit day and only had 4so my food parcel made his day.

User Profile: Syahfiq
Syahfiq May 12th, 2015

I am proud if myself because i avoided a big pointless fight. Eventhough that kid really tried my patiece. :D

User Profile: kashu510
kashu510 May 19th, 2015

I am proud because I came to the conclusion that if I already tried, I can walk away with no regrets.