[OLD THREAD] Project Achieve Your Goals - TEENS!!!
Setting goals is the easy part...reaching them can be more challenging!
Having someone support you in reaching your personal goals can be incredibly helpful. Today, wed like to announce a new community program aimed at helping you reach your goals.
Well need both listeners & members to make this happen! Here is how you can get involved in this project:
Step 1: Post a goal youd like to work towards in this thread. Be specific! Goals work great when you can make them measurable. Usually that involves a time period and a number of times. Additionally, you want to start by making goals achievable. Do not make your goals too hard or you will grow frustrated and not be able to reach them. Much better to make them easy to accomplish to build your confidence right from the start.
I want to cook dinner for myself 3 nights per week
I want to go to the gym 1 time per week
Take 3 growth path steps every day
Step 2: Specify if you'd like a listener to check in on you 1 or 2x/week.
Step 3: Wait for a listener to reply to you! They will reply and let you know they will support you reach this goal.
Step 4: PM this listener to get going! They will not be able to support you by checking in on you if you do not first PM them. If you find that a listener has not followed up, then please post again and request another listener.
Step 5: Post your progress each week in this thread and also on your feed so more people can support you in achieving your goals.
Step 6: Once you have achieved your goal and the new behavior or habit has been consistent for 21 days, then apply for the Goal 1 Badge. We'll likely have several goals, so there will be Goal 2, Goal 3 etc. (Feel free to help us come up with better names!)
Step 1: Wait for members to share their goals in this thread! When you see a goal/member youd like to support, reply to their forum post and let them know!
Step 2: Once this member has messaged you and established connection over PM, its your job to better understand the members goal, why its important and what you can do to best support them.
Step 3: Make a commitment! Check-in with this member twice per week and enquire about the goal!
Step 4: Let us know how you and your member are doing! In this thread, we will track your progress as team. Post here to let us know how it's going!
Step 5: After your member has reached their goal, let us know and apply for the Coach badge. More details on this soon!
My goal is to try, and be nicer to everyone including myself.
@impartialTree3773 This is such a nice goal
My goal is to finish the book I've been writing by then end of high school.
@LovelyMisnomer525 I'd love to help you achieve this goal! PM me and we can talk about it more :D
@defeatyourblurryface okay thanks a million!
@LovelyMisnomer525 Just send me a message and I hope we can talk soon.
This thread has been moved to the new Goal Setting subforum within the Self Help category!
My goal right now is to be genuinely happy!!!!
@stheunixrn I'd love to help you achieve your goal!!! Just PM me so that we can talk :D
I want to think positive...
I want to walk my dog at least once a day and write an article before this week ends.
my goal is to go at least a week without self harm, and then another week and etc.
Hi there! That sounds like an amazing goal. If you'd like me to help you with it, do feel free to send me a message! <3
My goal is to completely stop self harming by the end of the year
but for now, I want to stop self harming for a week and go on from there
My goals
1. finish what i started
2. Wear my heart on my sleeve more often
3. Be more loving to those around me and myself
I want to stop self harming for good, my over all goal at the minute is 100 days without harm to myself and so far I'm 56 days in and doing well so I'm happy about that :)