Just find everything difficult right now, and have little tolerance. Id love to celebrate milestones. For now living each day is enough.
Im sorry things seem so difficult right now. Sometimes we can get stuck in a certain perception of a situation. Can you think of a good fun thing you could do for yourself as a healthy distraction? Sometimes that can be helpful. Problems will always be there but how we look at them can change. Look at them like challenges your eager to overcome. A contest of sorts
I hope you will find some good self care. Your not alone my freind 😊
Things are going well. But I feel I am in a recovery phase from my anxiety. I am just anxious about sliding back. I hope I keep going!!
@Gujon3073- just checking in- hoping your day is going better this month. Every morning we wake up is another opportunity to reach out to another human being. (You've got to realize I am really saying that to myself too!!!!!!!!!!!)
@barncat hi. Unfortunately not, several panic attacks. Just lost strength to carry on.