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Daily Chit Chat with a Friend

IsayUncle August 10th, 2022

Sometimes Goals and Accomplishments are Not the Most Important thing of the day.
Just a nice Chit Chat with a friend is all that is needed.
So... How was your day today?
Psalm139 September 9th, 2022

@IsayUncle Oh I see. I wonder if you could take over the payments? Or is it too much?

My daughter is ok. She cried during the service. The funeral director had the great grandchildren walk Grandma's casket in to the front and then back out. And she was crying as she walked down and after she sat down. Thatade me cry too of course. I wanted to hug her but there were too many people between us. The rest of the time she did well. I don't think it's really hit me yet that we won't see her anymore. Christmas will be so sad and empty. She was always the one I talked too because she was so sweet and soft spoken and kind. She did sort of look like herself at the funeral but of course her smile was missing.

Yeah the situation with my brother is hard. I'm going to try again in a month. I just said "I miss you". So maybe next time I will ask how he and his family are doing or say happy Halloween. I blocked him though back in late May. So we aren't friends on f b. And he's probably mad about that. Did I tell you the circumstances with him? How he was born when my mom was 17 and was given up for adoption? So he's 18 years older than me and we met online in 2017 through ancestry.

IsayUncle OP September 10th, 2022


I'm sorry about your brother but time has a way of healing so don't give up. You must have had a great reunion when you two first met. i don't do facebook just for that reason... it's too easy for everyones feelings to get hurt. You're still sad over your grandma so maybe it was wishful thinking your brother would respond.. I'm sorry he didn't .

Your right about the loan, it's tied in with other stuff.

good nite 😴

Psalm139 September 10th, 2022

@IsayUncle Goodnight πŸ’™ You are up late!I'll talk to you tomorrow πŸ’™

Psalm139 September 10th, 2022


Good morning πŸ’™. You were up later than usual last night. Is everything ok? How have you been feeling the past few days?

Thanks for the encouragement about my brother. It was very cool when we met him. He has my mom's eyes. He's very nice and normal. He's married with two adult kids. Lives in Texas now.

I think you're probably right about Facebook. I deactivate my account quite a bit. Sometimes I can deal with it and other times it just makes me more depressed. I mostly just keep it because I have so many pictures on it.

Anyway...what are your plans today? πŸ’™

Psalm139 September 10th, 2022

@IsayUncle I changed my picture to the day my sister (on the right, two years older) and I met Carl in person for the first time in 2019. It was at the Iowa State Fair. My mom always loved the fair. It was also very close (walking distance) from the shelter the kids and I were in at the time. Clearly he got his height from his dad.

IsayUncle OP September 10th, 2022


Good morning Glad to see you are up and about. _1662827619.image.png How are you feeling?

I'm glad I saw the earlier picture with your whole family and husband. You all are a wonderful looking family. And now this big -ole-boy comes into the picture... haha. Seriously, great picture of the 3 of you. πŸ’š

I've been cleaning house and will continue to do so, with the laundry. I want to get into a routine and I feel like I can do that now. I've never been able to or didn't know how to do that. But now I feel like I've starting to get things sorted in my world and it will allow for a routine. You will probably understand this, being a stay at home mom with a big family... When your home (working all the time), everything seems to pile up on each other. I've been self-employed for so many years it felt like i was always in some form of crisis mode. which didn't lend it's self to an easy routine enviroment.

This past year and current month's of struggling with everything new, work, job, side jobs, schooling, training, keeping the house sorted.... Something good happened. #1 I'm done with ALL THE new stuff that is now normal and repetitive. #2 I feel with a routine, I can now make my house chores a passing ship in the night so I can ride a speedboat during the daytime.

Keeping it Real! LOL

That's what I'm trying to do this weekend, is get my baggage cleaned up so next week I can try out my new routine.πŸ‘πŸ˜œ

SOooo.... How ARE you feeling this morning?

Psalm139 September 10th, 2022

@IsayUncle I totally understand the struggle of getting in a routine. I can write up a detailed routine but anything can throw me off so easily. My moods are the first thing. But also appointments, things like the funeral trip, birthdays (we have 2 kids with birthdays this month), vet appointments, etc. So it's hard. I think you get that. But I am glad that most of your extra and stressful stuff is out of the way and you can get into a routine that works for you.

We are starting school this week. Even if it doesn't go well or smoothly at first or we take days off or whatever. We are starting. The Himalayan cat is getting a lion shave on Wednesday, Rylee's bday is the 17th, Bentley's on the 24th, and Jax had an appointment day in Iowa City on the 27th. So yeah everything should go super smoothly lol.

IsayUncle OP September 10th, 2022


That is going to be so cool with the cat... Everyone will love that I think. (On a sadder note)... I lost one of my pups, the little pocket beagle, "Lo-Lo". We all miss her. She's been gone for about 5 days now. 😒 It's One of the drawbacks of outdoor dogs next to the forest. (I won't fence them in). I'm learning to accept the losses a lot easier than before... But, still very sad and hoprful.

Good luck getting school started. β€œThe beginning is the most important part of the work.” Plato. I think once you get school started, things will start to flow easier. At least I hope so.😊.

Do you feel rested up today after the trip?

Psalm139 September 10th, 2022

@IsayUncle Ah I'm sorry about your pup. We've lost pets before too and it's very sad. 😞 Why didn't you say anything before?

I feel more rested but not all the way back to normal today. I cleaned for an hour and got groceries. Our van almost didn't start when we went to leave Aldi. Hopefully Justin will look at it or take it somewhere. It started on the fourth try thankfully.

Did you get a lot done so far today? You said you were cleaning and doing laundry so you could just maintain everything with routines, right?

IsayUncle OP September 10th, 2022


I was hoping she would come back and of course, you didn't need any more sad stuff at the time. She could be in heat and roaming but she's so small, not likely able to defend herelf after all this time. Still hopeful, had one come back 5 weeks gone. πŸ‘

Thanks for letting me know, I was hoping you felt a bit better, that's good. BIG bummer about the car. You surely don't need that kind of bombshell right now. I hope it is an easy fix. do you guy's have a second vehicle? What does your husband do for work (if you're ok, me asking?).

I am doing pretty good today but there was a lot of catch-up. Things have just been piling up since my sister left. I couldn't get a handle on the motivational end of the discipline stick. lol. I got it now though. I know what you are saying about you and a routine... like they say, (true that). I can't manage it by myself, but ummmm, with an entire family? No way Jose! So much respect for what you are able to do do on an everyday basis. πŸ’š

With the possibility of getting that equipment, I'll have to work more to pay for it PLUS (The biggie), I'm working towards my diet goal and because I stress eat... I must put my eating regimen into a routine. That really is the biggie becuase with routine and discipline I hope to shop, prepare and eat better. We have one little poor grocery store in our town but Krogers from the big city delivers food to the library everyday. SO, I'm getting that set up so I shop on the internet and pick up my groceries the next day. I will still support the local grocery store with all the everyday stuff but with Krogers I'll have a much larger selection of ingredients for healty meal planning. (I miss Aldi's - not one close). Plus I want to do more with the school kids.

With all that going on, I should be able to train myself to get the basics done in efficient time slots and not wait so long that it takes up all my valuable time. So far everything has been such a struggle it was the best I could do but I think I can do better now.... We'll see.😜

What you got going on after groceries and cleaning? Ready for dinner and then zoning out for awhile maybe, that'll be good. πŸ’š

versatileFarm7653 September 10th, 2022

Mine was stressful, I'm really hating being in a relationship right now😭

IsayUncle OP September 10th, 2022


Oh No, so sorry to hear that. 😟 It must be painful, anything you want to talk about?_1662839749.image.png

Psalm139 September 10th, 2022

@IsayUncle My husband works as a setup guy at a factory. So I guess he sets up the machines so the operators can run them. He's been doing that type of work our whole marriage.

I really hope your pup makes it home. We had a cat missing for several weeks and a neighbor found her and returned her. She had lost her tail but was otherwise ok. And the husky we had would run away for a few days at a time. That was so stressful.

I just went and bought a lot of imaginext batman toys for the little boys. They occupy Jax for hours. He is so imaginative πŸ’™

Its only about 6 right now so I'm going to spend an hour cleaning the kitchen. Then I will watch tv and assemble some file folder games for the little boys' reading curriculum.

How about you?

What diet plan do you plan to do? Do you have some lower calorie snack options that you like for when you feel like eating but aren't really hungry?πŸ’™

IsayUncle OP September 10th, 2022


That's a good job, especially with seniority and experience. Cool. I'm up for a while myself still tasking away. I'm going to look at that diet you showed me and another one called flexiterian. My biggest challenge is not to eat as a pacifier... I eat/snack,drink something every moment i rest for a second. I dirty more dishes washing dishes because of snacking while doing dishes and it's not just snacking I make big meals for freezing so I'm always making a mess in the kitchen. I only know right now that my routine will incude food preperation times and eating times. What those foods will be, I don't know. I'm going to finish off all my breads and dwindle down my tortillas.

You spoiling that boy, jut kidding lol, I'll bet he'll have a blast. You got a good week of plans... It didn't sound like it was too loaded down but getting a good start and some extra stuff done tooπŸ‘. Did you find out anything about the car? Do you have a second vehicle?

IsayUncle OP September 10th, 2022


Juicing (Greens) will be a big part of my diet for sure starting off.

Psalm139 September 11th, 2022

@IsayUncle Juicing sounds great! If you are eating now as much as you say, it should be fairly easy to lose your goal of 2 lbs per week, at least at first. Just be patient with yourself and don't do it all or nothing. Making changes is hard, especially when you are breaking habits. Try to think of each meal or snack as a fresh start πŸ’™

Yeah Justin's job isn't bad. He doesn't have senority because he has been at this particular job less than two years, but he has lots of experience. He thinks the job is boring though and talks about changing jobs.

We do have a second car. Justin drives a little red car, a Chevy Cobalt. It was actually his grandma's car. He said he will call soon to get the van in to the mechanic too. And he got oil and says he will do that tomorrow.

I do spoil Jax a little. He's my baby and I love him so much. And he's been through so much. He sleeps with me and gets up with me and anytime I sit down he sits right beside me. I can't believe he will be 5 in November!πŸ’™

IsayUncle OP September 11th, 2022


Yea, it's not really about what diet I go on, it's about discipling my eating habits with a good diet. The juicing will help a lot with my mental health and stamina. It'll takes a LOT of TIME and DISCIPLINE to get it right.

That's good about the car and i could see a factory job getting boring. I am going to bed Good nite and I hope you get some more good sleep yourself.😴

Psalm139 September 11th, 2022

@IsayUncle Ok I'll talk to you tomorrow then. Goodnight πŸ’™

IsayUncle OP September 11th, 2022


Good Morning _1662886857.image.png _1662886012.image.png SENDING CAMPING TRANQUILITY. πŸ’š

MyHandsandKnees September 10th, 2022


My day sucked. I just started Lexapro and I'm having worsening anxiety. Introduction: I am clinically diagnosed with most anxiety disorders and depression. I have essential tremors of the head, arms, hands and torso. 36 years I've been at this you think exposure therapy would have helped.

IsayUncle OP September 11th, 2022


I'm so sorry you are suffering so much. 😟. Lexapro has some side effects that is similar to increased nervousness and fatique but that lessens a lot after a week or so. I hope tomorrow is not as bad, actually, not bad at all. Give the medicine some time to work and hopefully you can get to feeling better. πŸ’œ.

Sending you Hope, Peace and Love
Come back and talk anytime.

SpicySleepyPieceofMeat September 11th, 2022

@IsayUncle Pretty good but it's only the start of my day ^-^

IsayUncle OP September 11th, 2022


I'd say a good start to the day is the best part of it all. Keep it going!

reflectionFragment September 11th, 2022

@IsayUncleMy friends won't talk to me.

IsayUncle OP September 11th, 2022


I know how bad that feels. I'm so sorry. Try to relax and enjoy the freedom of your own greatness. Let everyone have some space and they'll start talking to you again. I'm sure of it. πŸ’œ

reflectionFragment September 14th, 2022

@IsayUncle That was encouraging. Thank you. πŸ–€

Psalm139 September 11th, 2022

@IsayUncle Good morning πŸ’™. What are you up to today?

IsayUncle OP September 11th, 2022


Hey, good morning 😊. I'm not doing much today. Just keep doing house chores and lots of naps I think. What about you?

Psalm139 September 11th, 2022

@IsayUncle I'm trying to get motivated but I'm not feeling that well. I will probably take a nap too when my husband gets up from his! Are you physically or mentally/emotionally tired? For me it's kind of both but mostly mental and emotional. It's rainy out today too so that just makes me want to sleep. The kids are playing games on their tablets together right now and talking and laughing. Jax says everything that goes through his head lol. I'm just happy they aren't as affected by everything as I am.

IsayUncle OP September 11th, 2022


It must be nice to listen to the kids (when it's like that-lol) in the background. My tiredness could be all those things combined, but when I simply resign to it, it feels more like a natural tiredness.... if that makes any sense. I accept it as a natural tiredness when I don't feel guilty about it or simply resign to it.

IsayUncle OP September 11th, 2022


BTW, i'm sorry you're not feeling too good but you have been through a lot. Whta is it that you are not feeling to good about. Anything in paticular, phisical or emotionally? πŸ’š

ambitioushope1234 September 11th, 2022

@IsayUncle looking for someone to talk to today

IsayUncle OP September 11th, 2022


Hi, What would you like to talk about? It rained here yesterday but now is just partially sunny, which is nice.

IsayUncle OP September 11th, 2022


Some big ole black clouds just came rolling in with a bunch of thunder and now it is torrenttial raining. Very cool. A good day for a rainy day!

Psalm139 September 11th, 2022

@IsayUncle Just the mental/emotional heaviness that makes me want to lay in my bed with the blanket over my head and pretend to disappear for a while. Instead I worked on painting the final part in the kitchen and vacuumed the living room. Made my second cup of coffee. I do like the rain and the dark sometimes. But if I'm already feeling heavy and dark in my head it makes it worse. That happens in the winter a lot and I can get very depressed. I probably should start taking the vitamin d and iron that my doctor said I should take.

IsayUncle OP September 11th, 2022


If your day feels like my day, It's a great day to bury your head into some pillows and disappear... if you can; and hubby can watch the kids for a few hours. That would be awesome. I was wondering if you were geting bck to the kitchen, so thanks for the update. The weather definetly plays a big role with our moods and emotions. Do you care me asking why you are not taking your vitamins?

btw, another great family picture

Psalm139 September 11th, 2022

@IsayUncle. Mmmm I guess I don't take my vitamins because they don't make me feel better right away like my other medicine does and also I'm nervous it will make me nauseated because lots of things do and I hate it. But I probably should try anyway because winter is coming and I know iron helps with energy and vitamin d is supposed to help with depression.

I'm sorry you aren't feeling the best today either. Don't worry about me. If you need to rest I understand that completely. πŸ’™

IsayUncle OP September 11th, 2022


Oh No, I'm fine. we can talk about anything you want. But it sounds like you need to go hide under some pillows and dream away for a while. Are you going to be able to get a chance for that? Sounds exactly like what the doctor ordered.

Psalm139 September 11th, 2022

@IsayUncle yeah I asked Justin and he said I can so I'm going to sleep for a while and maybe I will wake up better.

nicolette25 September 11th, 2022

Starting off slow and a little sad
