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How to come to the present moment

Simplelife432 November 9th, 2023

Hi fellow members and listeners as we all know being mindful is very helpful when dealing with psychological issues such as anxiety, depression, rumination, traumatic flashback, relationship so on. I have few tips to be mindful at your home in your own space.

1) Just know you are safe. Breathing is one of the techniques they teach us in mindfulness, it is also to help our brain remind that it is safe. Our brain or our limbic brain is wired to feeling threat more deeply. In situations such as feeling depressed or anxious it is important to know that you are or your brain is safe, that there is no threat. Breathing helps in regulating our brain more importantly to know that it is safe. 

2) Sit in one place. It is not necessary to close your eyes and meditate, just sit and see, listen. You will be aware of what is around you and where you are. This helps us to feel more calm and experience the present.

3) To look within. To look within is to look into your emotions, soul, thoughts. Emotions are complex for example, anxiety can cause agitation, fear.  Fear is caused because one may think they are around some threat. During this time it is good to just analyze what is causing the fear. Fear can rise up due to our imagination as well, it is good to take some time to just be aware whether we are feeling scared due to our imagination or reality. Analyzing our emotions can help us to deal with alot of things more efficiently. We can also do soul searching during this time. 

Those are some of my tips I learned in my journey hope this helps. Have a good day:)

@ASilentObserver these are my tips 

Sunisshiningandsoareyou November 9th, 2023


Aw thank you for sharing these wonderful tips.💛