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Mindful Doodles - Your Days in Pictures

User Profile: peacefulWarrior10
peacefulWarrior10 July 10th, 2017

Hey everyone, it's Monday! So how has your weekend been? Well, I had a couple of pretty eventful days - waking up late, practising music with a music band that I recently joined, enjoying the rain, celebrating birthday of 7 Cups, learning a new stringed instrument, spending quality time with family, interviews, a new book store visit!! Would you like to have a quick recap of what YOU did over the weekend? Let's do this with some creativity and mindfulness!

● Preparation - Take a white sheet of paper. Grab a pen / pencil / marker, anything. Don't worry, you don't have to be an artist to do this!

● Introduction - Write down the date(s)

● Mindfulness 1 - Use your awareness to identify the different activities or events that signify that day for you. This can be as simple as enjoying a bath or taking a lazy nap to as eventful as winning a game in the neighborhood or fishing with family! Think about the entire day carefully and try to remember as many things you did on this day as you can!

● Mindfulness 2 - Once you've identified a few activities or events to represent your day, identify a symbol or simple scene that best represents each activity. Be mindful of how those activities or events made you feel, were you happy about it? Did you participate in it or only watched it happen? How did it look like, how did it sound, taste, smell, feel……. A bathtub can represent your enjoyable bath, a fishing tackle can represent your hours spent for fishing.. A steamy plate can represent your meals, a smiling face can represent a joke you enjoyed! Just remember to keep it simple, easy yet reflective!

● Mindful Creativity - Now that youre totally immersed into those memories, use this mindfulness to create something to make your day memorable! Get started doodling and sketching your symbol or scenes! Put each scene in separate blocks, to makes things easier for you to comprehend.

● Repeat for the other date of the weekend.

Voila! You're done!

And you can do this nor not only for weekends, but for any day, every day!

To get some ideas, take a look at my doodles below, representing my previous weekend, which was pretty similar to this one. I'm about to do mine for this weekend after I do finish with this post! 😀 (BEWARE! I'm not a great artist!)

So don't forget to share, how your weekend looked like, in this thread and get creative with your mindfulness! Enjoy!

Check out this sub-forum soon for some more similar posts on being mindful through visual representation of our thoughts and emotions! Again, no need to be an artist 🙂 So have fun doodling mindfully ✌

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