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Mindfulness and DBT: Skill Distress Tolerance 2

RumpleSteeleSkin February 8th, 2018

Image result for stress

Hi everyonesmiley Our last DBT Skills post brushed up on what was Distress Tolerance and a few skills. This thread we are going to continue on this-but a bit easier as this skill is hard to let your mind evolve around itsmiley

So we all can name distress in our lives, let's see some

*Our jobs -how people treat us, alot or not enough hours, boss being to hard on you,maybe bullying happening

*Home Life- Parents naggin, kids/spouses argue or ignore, bils/rent late, neighbor issues

*Mental health- we can be dealing with depression, triggers,medicine changes/add ons

*Social life- we maybe spending alot of time with many friends-to many, or we may not have no friends

*Animals- those cost money, get sick, make messes

*YOU TIME- were does this come in with busy life?

I'm sure there are plenty more distressors around our daily lives I didn't mention. How we feel and react to these situations counts the most and impact us more. Learning some Distress Tolerance Skills are very helpful in life-honest. Why? As shared in the other thread DBT skills are used when we feel intense,or in crisis, our emotions need some regulation, helps with short/long term pain as well. Lets see some very easy skills here that maybe 1 might catch your eye and try it, or you might already being doing somesmiley

DISTRESS TOLERANCE. Using Crisis Survival: Distraction with Wise Mind Accepts

When in intense distress it is then crisis mode. Wise mind is needed to gain stability in ourselves. When we are in Wise Mind we then can think more clearly, our emotions are lowered and we will not do things that put us in danger

Using Self Soothe with five senses:

Self Soothing is a great skill to use when in crisis. This allows us to pay attention to our 5 senses touch,taste,hearing,smell and seeing. Visualization is a skill used many times to keep us focused to hear and now. Maybe a certain smell calms you, listening to certain music is the same.Touch maybe you don't like someone touching you, but love that comfortable blanket wrapped around you.

Using Improve the moment

This skill you have the power to choose "HOW" to improve the here and now for you. Maybe going to a dark closet with a blanket helps, maybe going for a run helps ease the feelings, watching a funny cartoon helps the flashbacks to stop. This one to me is more of doing what works for me.

Using Pros and Cons. Guidelines for Accepting Reality

Pros and Cons sometimes are really good to do when you find yourself in crisis mode and gonna do something not so positive. In your head state all the reasons its a good thing to do, then do the same for the Cons/negative. This can be challenging but also very helpful for many. Accepting Reality also is like the pros and cons skill. As this takes some self talking and going by the facts in your life.

Ok everyone I hope this was a bit easier on Distress Tolerance. Are there some things you do to calm yourself out of crisis? Are there some things you like to learn more on to help yourself?


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JBurton96 February 8th, 2018

Hi everyone I been feeling depressed real lately and Im 21 I was wondering does anyone has advice

CoinFountain February 8th, 2018


First I want you to know that you aren't alone. Best bit of advice I can remember:

When I was at my most depressed state ever I talked with my doctor about it cause it felt like I wasn't going to recover anytime soon and was starting to feel so low energy that self care became harder to manage. For me a presctiption made it easier to self care and feel good about anything again while regaining my energy through getting enough vitamin D3, exercise etc. In my case I think it was seasonal affective disorder (SAD) leaving not enough serotonin in my brain to handle stressful life events let alone getting through a normal day. Talking to your doctor is good even if you don't want or need medication because if it's something like a vitamin deficiency they can test for that or make referrals to related services that may be covered by your insurance (if any).

If you just want someone to talk to all the listeners on 7cups have ratings on their profile pages to help find one that's likely compatible and currently available. Group chat can also be good depending on who's in there at the time. I've also found listening to mindfulness recordings in the path menu helpful for both depression and anxiety and I really liked the 7cups for the Searching Soul guide on the self-help guides page also in path menu (long read but just as applicable as the depression guide).

CoinFountain February 8th, 2018

(Quote in image by Winston Churchill.)

CoinFountain February 8th, 2018


I think I know what you mean by "Wise Mind" but haven't yet seen it's actual definition in this or previous post(s) so please explain "Wise Mind" for those that haven't seen it's description yet?

My best guess is that Wise Mind refers to that "quiet space" in the mind that is behind all the "noise" of thoughts firing off one after another or sometimes racing thoughts which never really stops fully (cause then we'd be dead).

Thinking from the middle of racing thoughts one is more apt to feel need to "react" to every thought they have or acting on impulse constantly which can be a lot more stressful, but from the quieter space in the mind it is easier to think with clarity and to "respond" after deeper thought which can yield better results in many different ways. Example: Seeing it's rainy outside and allowing self to feel automatically misserable just because of the rain vs seeing it's rainy out and deciding that instead of avoiding rain that it just might be more fun to fully experience every part of the rain in it's beauty, watching the drops move down the window as if seeing it for the first time and listening to all the sounds that come with the rain...maybe even going outside and hearing how it sounds falling on different surfaces and how it feels, smells, tastes and so on.

Is this your meaning of Wise Mind?

RumpleSteeleSkin OP February 8th, 2018


HI Coin good to see yousmileyThis is what Wise Mind means

"Wise Mind is that place where reasonable mind and emotion mind overlap. It is the integration of emotion mind and reasonable mind. Linehan states, "Wise mind is that part of each person that can know and experience truth. It is where the person knows something to be true or valid."

I like your meaning of "wise mind" Wise Mind can be that "quiet space" you mention, as when in this space you can calmly, rationally see things from all sides of a situation. It is part of emotional and rational mind, but evened out-kinda hard to explain lol.

Oh wow I think you just did some mindfulness there with the rain. Wonderful job! Yes as you explained it having yourself in Wise Mind does allow you to see things "as they are" Rainsmiley Rain and it feeding earth, rain and the drops on the window, rain and even going outside listening to the rain. I really enjoyed reading your reply.heart Wise Mind Exercise

CoinFountain February 9th, 2018


Good to know I was on the right track there! :) Thanks for the link.

RumpleSteeleSkin OP February 9th, 2018


MorningsmileyYes I am amazed by everyone here on how well they are understanding or doing this skill. Great job

CoinFountain February 9th, 2018


I'm glad you feel better today. I get nausea and anxiety much worse when my blood sugar drops low from hunger. Sometimes stress causes both things without me feeling hungry and I'll have trouble eating in the mornings but I'll do it anyway cause if I don't I know it will just get worse from not having enough of a blood sugar level. Most days I'm okay when I'm home and there's nothing urgent demanding my attention.

CoinFountain February 10th, 2018


When mine gets bad I stop eating eggs for breakfast and instead go for cereal or toast with fruit and yogurt. There's BRAT diet which means eating just bananas, rice, applesauce and toast that is supposed to all be easier on stomach cause of the blandness and less additives/processing/grease but you can add a bit of butter and salt if it's too bland and add something else that makes a complete protein which will help the energy and blood sugar last longer. I also find distracting myself by watching something soothing helps slightly to take my mind off the stomach while I'm trying to eat...when I manage to find something that doesn't use shakey camera work. lol

amiablePeace77 February 8th, 2018


Rumple, i find you covered it very well, those are the most important techniques. I also used " letting it out" when i was living in my home country and could just take the car and drive into a field with my dogs (where nobody could hear me) i got out of the car and shouted as loud as i could. today i use the techniques you described.

RumpleSteeleSkin OP February 9th, 2018


Hi there Peace great to see yousmiley "letting it out is so good feeling I say. I feel it is. And I didn't hurt no one or myself but let out some stresscheekyI'm glad to hear you are using some of these skills