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am i doing something wrong?

User Profile: hyunjinnn
hyunjinnn September 6th, 2024

hello! i'm tani. Wanting to overcome distractions in my life, i tried to start meditation last week. but i realised that i only feel calm and motivated during meditating and after some time i feel irritable and less focused. (this didn't happen when before starting meditation) also, i tend to feel emotions more intensely than before, for example anger. i dont know why is it happening and how to deal with it 

User Profile: toughTiger6481
toughTiger6481 September 6th, 2024


perhaps you need to deal with the emotions you feel and let go of the underlying issue

The mediation while helpful to many does not clear issues and has always seemed like a temporary  relief or distraction.   

User Profile: PineTreeTree
PineTreeTree September 6th, 2024

@hyunjinnn You’re not doing anything wrong. Meditation can sometimes be uncomfortable as we sit with our emotions. It’s about sitting with our feelings as they are. Sometimes it is blissful and sometimes not. It doesn’t matter, we can benefit either way. The meditation benefits can occur in our daily life even when we are not meditating. It will take awhile for you to get acclimated. You might look for podcasts for beginning meditators for more information about what to expect.

User Profile: kabir22
kabir22 September 6th, 2024


Hey Tani, first of all, it's awesome you stared your meditation practice and you are identifying your own emotions that's even great. For first few weeks, it will be difficult, no one is innate monks (life would be so much easier then), meditation is a practice and you will experiences highs and lows of it with it. Meditation also depends on what practice you are using, some techniques are comfortable than other and in meditation atleast in my own experience, you experience your own emotions intensely because you are getting to know yourself in a better sense. So it is normal and like I said before meditation is practice and since it's your first week, don't be hard on yourself, keep practicing and it will get easy, I assure you! Feel free to drop a message if you need tips or post in community but what you are going through is normal and it will get easier with practice. (While feeling intense emotions, you can do active mediation where you detach yourself from emotion and do some breath work which usually helps the emotions to come back to normal). Just keep at it and Enjoy 💚