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I don't seek happiness anymore, I seek peace.

Snail2004 June 26th

Growing up in an abusive household has left me with a lot of trauma and a lack of life skills, making everyday challenges feel overwhelming. For me, things that seem trivial to others, like handling rejection, respecting and establishing boundaries, trigger intense emotional reactions. But through this journey, I’ve realized that I can’t control everything that happens in life. Instead, I can choose to accept my emotions peacefully and not fight against them.

My focus has shifted towards achieving inner peace rather than constantly seeking happiness. I understand now that life is inherently challenging, and while I can't make it easy on my own, I can equip myself to face it. This means finding a balance between opting for ease when it’s available and believing in myself when it’s not.

I’m learning to soothe my emotions and handle situations with more grace. I'm choosing self-compassion, self-love, and community.

Of course, my focus is still towards making the most out of the joyful moments, and choosing easiness wherever it can be found. But somethings are challenging, for now at least, so I choose to accept them, and focus on soothing the turmoil instead of fighting it.

Healing is a journey, and I’m taking it one step at a time. By embracing inner peace and focusing on my ability to handle difficulties, I feel like I'm creating a more sustainable approach to well-being.

Countrygirl095 Thursday

@Snail2004 first off I'm proud of you for coming on here and showing off your bravery second I just want you to know that you are an amazing individual and your story isn't over. It's just continuing.

akunknown Thursday


“Growing up in an abusive household has left me with trauma For me, things that seem trivial to others, like handling rejection, respecting and establishing boundaries, trigger intense emotional reactions. But through this journey, I’ve realized that I can’t control everything that happens in life. Instead, I can choose to accept my emotions peacefully and not fight against them.“

I’m so proud of you and happy for you to realize all that because it’s very important to know all of this. You knowing it just shows what an AMAZING soul you truly are. I’m so sorry you were traumatized by growing up in an abusive environment. I don’t or try not to call places like this households, houses or homes or anything like that because to me that’s not what they are. 

I’ve been where you are and the abusive part is still here now but I distance myself from the abuse by keeping myself away from the abusive people as much as possible whether I’m indoors or outside. But when they’re around me I stand up for myself when I feel I need to and when I feel being around them doesn’t benefit me I simply walk away from them. The important thing is no matter what I never gave up. All of this is my advice to you if you need it. Please reach out to me if you wanna talk about anything. It’s helpful to talk to someone especially if they’ve experienced abuse because they’ll understand your situation better than those who haven’t been through it. 

Sending you as much support, as many hugs, and as much ❤️ as you need :)