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Desire or no desire( can't think of any other title lol)

Ubebe February 6th

I'm just wondering how things goes unexpectedly my way. When I put my desire and want into something to really happen it  never happens and when I don't, it happens. 

I think I heard somewhere that desire plays a role in achieving something. And like if you imagine yourself in that position, it'll be a great motivator to act on it.

Now I actually put a lot of effort, understanding and time in most things. But it just annoys me that in all effort, those I really set my mind into and want of all things end up failing. 

I think having no desire really works for me to achieve my dreams. Like lowkey wanting and pretending to not care works the charm. 

What're your thoughts on this?Do you have similar experience? I'm open for suggestions and wisdom.

toughTiger6481 February 6th


I understand what you are talking about..... i think the idea of imagining yourself in a role etc can be difficult because we are focused on A destination not the journey.... We may turn away changes that we did not envision and many do NOT see the pitfalls and barriers as all they  want to view is the end  result not path to get there. 

Life has many twists and turns ...........people change if the vision does not end if you reach it might not be what you thought it was.

some of the most successful people I have met ...found their life/ passion  along the way not what the envisioned. 

Ubebe OP February 6th

@toughTiger6481  so what are we supposed to do with the changes we did not envision or expect, the pitfalls and the barriers along the way?

Yeah life does have lots of twist and turns, one might not get what one really expects..

toughTiger6481 February 6th


take each change or obstacle as time to reflect on if this path is what you thought and always evaluate what is important to you and makes you content.  each turn in a path has choices and rewards or setbacks. 

what is the purpose to only fight your way through things to achieve the ONE thing you thought you wanted and it turns out to be not at all what you expected.....   

imagine a professional athlete with a career ending injury in first season they need to find another path or spend their lives angry/ or upset that their desire/ vision did not work out.  NO matter how long they desired it or how hard it was to achieve life happens and you need to be able to pivot and take another road

Ubebe OP February 6th


Thank you! I feel better reading this😊 

Fluffymonster101 February 6th

Your post is accurate lol. I relate. In my case I thought it’s because when I don’t give a crap, I also don’t worry about things like is it gonna work, gonna be good enough, will I make it etc. So not giving a crap = less worry = more productivity. I also noticed it’s the same with negative thinking. Whenever I start making something, if I go with the thought this is crap, ain’t gonna work…and so on, we’ll be sure that thing will turn up 💩.  Maybe it’s just a matter of syncing thoughts and action. Who knows. All I can say is keep your positivity no matter what. I think we can get a lot farther just by thinking no matter what, it will be fine. Just my thoughts

Ubebe OP February 6th


Yes not giving a crap means less worries therefore productive.

I also notice that when I think it's gonna be bad it does always turn bad. But when I think it's gonna result good, it's not always the case? 

Fluffymonster101 February 6th

Yeah lol. I guess it’s not always just up to us. Some other external factors beyond our control can occur? I think it’s just how life works. Sometimes I get carried away and get overwhelmed by the not knowing factor of the universe so I try not to think about it too much

Ubebe OP February 6th


I overthink a lot so I often forgot common sense